I am working on a Toradedx Verdin AM62 module and i have 3 pins which don’t behave correctly for their purpose.
i configured them as gpio output and they seem to work only if i add an external pull up resistor on the pin.
The other pins i configured as gpio output don’t protray this issue.
My question is:
Are the standard GPIO output configurations push pull or open drain or does this depend on the pin in question (e.g.if i re-use a sdhci pin as GPIO is this then a push pull output or open drain)?
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Hello Richard,
Thank you for reaching out with your question about the GPIO configurations on the Verdin AM62 module. The behavior you’re observing with the need for an external pull-up resistor suggests that those specific GPIO pins might be configured as open-drain outputs.
In general, GPIO pins can be set as either push-pull or open-drain:
Push-Pull Configuration: This allows the pin to drive both high and low states actively, which is typical for most GPIO outputs.
Open-Drain Configuration: Here, the pin can only drive a low state, requiring an external pull-up resistor to achieve a high state. This is useful for certain applications like wired-AND logic or interfacing with different voltage levels.
For the Verdin AM62, the default configuration of a GPIO pin can depend on its previous function, such as if it was used for SDHCI or another peripheral. When repurposing such pins as GPIO, it is essential to ensure they are configured correctly in the device tree to match your desired electrical characteristics.
I recommend checking the Verdin AM62 module’s datasheet or technical reference manual for details on the default configuration of each GPIO pin. Additionally, review the device tree settings to ensure the pins are configured as needed for your application. This should help resolve the issue you’re experiencing.
If you have further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask.
Best regards,
Toradex AI Assistant.
Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:
I can’t find it in the datasheet or reference manual.
The reference manual forwards to the “Pin Attributes and Pin Multiplexing” tab in the datasheet but the AM62 datasheet doesn’t have these tables
The pins specific are the following:
SODIMM pin 57 and SODIMM pin 59, the 3rd pin was a software issue.
TI AM62 ball id:
D10 and A8
I looked at the datasheet and reference manual from the Toradex modules and not from the TI AM62 chip. In the TI AM62 datasheet u send me it clearly states that the pins i am using are of pin type “IOD” meaning “IOD = Input, Output, or simultaneously Input and Output with open-drain output function”
Do the Verdin modules add an on module pull resistor for these IOD type pins or do these need to placed on the carrier board if an IOD type output if used?