I am trying to run a gstreamer pipeline on the Verdin iMX8MP mounted on the Dahlia Carrier Board. However, when running the pipeline, I am coming up against the error “vpuenc_h264-0: Could not initialize supporting library”.
I built a custom Yocto image using the tdx-reference-multimedia-image and a few minor customizations.
The pipeline I am trying to run:
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw, format=I420, width=640, height=480 ! vpuenc_h264 ! filesink location=videotestsrc.mp4
I also tried other pipelines, including one suggested in another topic and was getting the same message for vpudec.
cat /etc/os-release
NAME=“TDX Wayland with XWayland”
VERSION=“6.1.0-devel-20221213050554+build.0 (kirkstone)”
PRETTY_NAME=“TDX Wayland with XWayland 6.1.0-devel-20221213050554+build.0 (kirkstone)”
cat /etc/issue
TDX Wayland with XWayland 6.1.0-devel-20221214012039+build.0 (kirkstone) \n \l
uname -a
Linux verdin-imx8mp-07331488 5.15.40-6.1.0-devel+git.b4f7c3c44d85 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Oct 11 15:25:52 UTC 2022 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux