Unable to build the image that contains all qt5 packages with two old commands

I am trying to apply building QT5 image using this powerpoint you provide

using this command:

bitbake -k angstrom-qt5-x11-image

then i read this

it seems like you have update the inage name, I tried to apply the following command:
bitbake -k qt5-x11-image
but it does not work as well

what is the newest name for the qt5 image to be able to bit bake it without any problems nor errors?

Hi @rama.aloufee ,it is bitbake tdx-reference-multimedia-image in Linux BSP V5.x.

thanks for your reply.
i made it and it succedded

please update this

URL : How to set up Qt Creator to cross compile for embedded Linux | Toradex Developer Center

also now i am bit-baking SDK for this image, do i need to add any extra option in /.config/local.conf file ?
or this command should be enough ::
bitbake tdx-reference-multimedia-image -c populate_sdk

Hi @rama.aloufee ,

The command alone should do the trick. :+1:

BR, Janani