Pre-Release Torizon OS 7 Support / VS Code / Torizon Templates / Development Tools

Torizon OS 7 support for the development tools is in the dev pre-release channel right now. You can try it by installing the pre-release version of the extension:

After install it make sure to have the dev channel set on your global VS Code settings to get the development branch of the Torizon templates:

"torizon.templatesRepo": "",
"torizon.templatesBranch": "dev",
"torizon.templatesTag": "dev",

In this version we are working on migrating support from PowerShell template scripts to Python/Xonsh. It’s a big change since the first release from 2022.

All early-feedback is very welcome.

Best Regards,

Hi @matheus.tx
can I ask why have you decided to switch from PowerShell to Python/Xonsh?

Hey @vix

This was a team decision. I personally/technically have no issues with PowerShell (as this was my choose to go for the startup of the project). But there was strong criticism. With this change we hope to have more acceptance and contributions, as Python is very popular.