Greetings @dleberfinger,
I see you are running Torizon OS 7.1.0 on your device. Our templates still need to be updated to work on this version of the OS. Some templates have been migrated for use on Torizon OS 7.X and are available on the pre-release version of our IDE extension as announced here: Pre-Release Torizon OS 7 Support / VS Code / Torizon Templates / Development Tools
Please be aware that not all templates have been migrated to be compatible on Torizon OS 7.X and some have been deprecated.
So if you’re not already using the pre-release version of the extension then I would suggest you do so, if you want to keep developing on Torizon OS 7.X. You’ll probably need to re-create/update your project using the updated template. Furthermore, keep in mind these are still in a “pre-release” state so some issues may be expected, feedback is welcome.
Best Regards,