Imx6dl with Iris 2.0, No Lvds display

Good day.

I’m using Iris 2.0 B with Imx6dl wince7 1.8, i could able to have LVDS display, please can anyone help to get display on Lvds and Hdmi through DVI connector. Both needed


The Colibri iMX6 does not have a native LVDS interface. However, the Iris board includes a Parallel RGB to LVDS converter. To use this, you must adjust the screen settings to match your LVDS display parameters and enable the converter as described here. For HDMI output, you need to connect the Colibri iMX6 module’s X2 connector to the corresponding connector on the Iris board using an FFC cable and configure the HDMI output as described here.

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Thank you for reply,

i did registry changes but couldn’t get display on Lvds.

On config block tool which pins i have to match?!!!. Could you please send me detail or config block backup file.

You need to set X1 pin 99 HIGH to enable LVDS converter on Iris 2.x . If you are using WinCE you can do it using GPIO config block settings as described here - GPIO config block settings | Toradex Developer Center

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Thanks, i got display on Lvds by pin 99, but color are not good. Shows black/white.

No audio/sound on hdmi port

Please adjust the registry display parameters to match those specified in your display’s datasheet. Additionally, determine which THC63LVD827 Parallel RGB to LVDS converter mode is compatible with your LVDS display and adjust the corresponding GPIO line accordingly. You can locate the GPIO numbers in the Iris schematic.

Sorry, I couldn’t understand.!!! I did some parameters change but nothing. Colors not as on Hdmi or activesync.

Also i don’t have HDMI audio.

Hi, i can’t make it. Can anyone help to get Lvds correct colors and hdmi audio !!!

Colors are good until i put display-colibri Out 5 in registry then goes black/white and hmdi start working when i put OuT 5…

I tried but nothing working.!!!

On HDMI colors are good but no audio and Lvds colors goes bad when i put in registry display-colibri OUT 5

Each display is unique, making it challenging to specify exactly what needs to be done for optimal functionality. You must carefully review your display’s datasheet.

Step 1:
Locate parameters in your display’s datasheet such as screen resolution, color depth, pixel clock frequency (in Hz), pixel clock polarity, and other parameters listed in the provided table. Enter these parameters into a registry.

Step 2:
Examine the details of your screen’s LVDS interface and match them with the converter IC specifications, including output mode, data mapping, and LVDS swing mode selection. Determine how the converter IC’s pins for 6B/8B, map and mode need to be configured to ensure your display operates correctly. Set corresponding GPIO line accordingly.

Please note that Audio over HDMI is not supported in the iMX6 WinCE releases.

I got display on Lvds and hdmi by putting Clone under display-colibri registry.

Display are good by using clone registry but with problem.

Now it shows black screen between the splashscreen and desktop screen…

How this blackscreen inbetween can be removed???

Now it shows black screen between the splashscreen and desktop screen…

How this blackscreen inbetween can be removed???

Anyone reply.!!!

Could you please provide more details about your issue? Specifically, which display are you experiencing the black screen issue with - LVDS or HDMI? Additionally, could you share your current eBoot SS settings? Please provide them in a text file, not as a picture. You mentioned, “Displays are good using clone registry,” yet the attached picture does not illustrate any “Clone.” Could you please export all the registry keys you have modified and share them here as a text file? You can use the “Registry Editor” for exporting purposes


I have imx6dl with iris 2.0B.

I have Lvds display full working with no problem.

But when i put registry in Display-colibri OUT=5 and HDMI display starts, but my Lvds display colors goes bad. Black/white or reddish.

Then i tried to put Clone under Display-colibri registry and both my Lvds & Hdmi goes good, but with Black screen between the splashscreen & desktop screen.

In the last picture you can see colors are not good as i put OUT=5 for HDMI display working.

displsy clone.text (2.7 KB)

Hi @Minhas ,

I’m still unclear about the exact issue you’ve encountered . Could you specify if you are seeing the splash screen on both the LVDS and HDMI displays and then experiencing a black screen on both, or if there’s a different behavior you’re observing? Please attach your eBoot SS settings.

I only see splashscreen on Lvds display and on HDMI display i see desktop screen when comes.

I have good colors on LVDS display, but when i put registry Display-colibri OUT=5 then my LVDS color goes black/white or reddish.

After putting registry OUT=5, my HDMI display works, otherwise not.

Then i use Display-colibri-clone and the my both display working. But have blackscreen between splashscreen & desktop screen of 2-3sec.

ss.fileaddr: 0x0 (FlashAddress with SplashScreen Data)
ss.filesize: 0 (Size of SplashScreen Data)
ss.enable: 1 (Enable SplashScreen)
ss.dbginfo: 0 (Enable DebugInfos)
ss.res: 0x0 (Reserved Flags)
ss.width: 800 (Display Width)
ss.height: 600 (Display Height)
ss.bpp: 16 (BitsPerPixel)
ss.ldds: 18 (LCD Lines Used)
ss.type: 1 (Display Type (0=Passive, 1=Active))
ss.color: 1 (0=Mono, 1=Color)
ss.dual: 0 (0=SinglePanel, 1=DualPanel)
ss.overlay: 0 (Overlay Enable)
ss.dpc: 0 (Double Pixel Clock)
ss.pcp: 0 (Pixel Clock Polarity)
ss.oep: 0 (Output Enable Polarity)
ss.hsp: 1 (Horizontal Sync Polarity)
ss.vsp: 1 (Vertical Sync Polarity) 5 (LCD Buffer Strength)
ss.pclk: 51200000 (PixelClock (in Hz))
ss.hsw: 160 (Horizontal Sync Width)
ss.vsw: 2 (Vertical Sync Width)
ss.blw: 90 (Begin of Line Width)
ss.elw: 70 (End of Line Width)
ss.bfw: 13 (Begin of Frame Width)
ss.efw: 10 (End of Frame Width)
ss.acb: 0 (AC Bias Frequency)
ss.disp_gpio: 71 (Display On/Off SO-DIMM/MXM3 pin (0 means no pin used for this purpose))
ss.bl_gpio: 71 (BackLight On/Off SO-DIMM/MXM3 pin (0 means no pin used for this purpose))
ss.dispondelay: 0 (Display On Delay)
ss.disp_pol: 1 (Display On/Off polarity)
ss.bl_pol: 1 (BackLight On/Off polarity)
ss.pcddiv: 1 (Enable Pixel Clock PreDivider)
ss.out: 0 (Output device (Apalis: 0=VGA,1=parallel,2/3/4=LVDS,5=HDMI Colibri: 0=parallel,5=HDMI))
ss.mode: 0 (Standard mode id (overrides settings))
ss.detectmode: 0 (0=use parms, 1=match EDID info with standard mode, 2=use EDID preferred mode)
ss.noOE: 0 (Disables OE/DE signal)
ss.noVSYNC: 0 (Disables VSYNC signal)
ss.noHSYNC: 0 (Disables HSYNC signal)
ss.jeida: 1 (Enables JEIDA mapping for LVDS)
ss.res: 0x0 (Reserved Flags)
ss.edidaddr: 0x0 (7-bit i2c address, where the EDID EEPROM is located)
ss.edidenable: 0 (1=enable reading of EDID data from i2c EEPROM. 0=disable this feature)

Ok, the splash screen is set by eBoot, and eBoot can support only one display at a time. Your eBoot ss.out=0 configuration means that eBoot is set to output to the parallel RGB interface, which is then converted by the Iris RGB to LVDS converter IC to LVDS data. To prevent a black screen on the LVDS display, you can set the following in the registry at


This tells WinCE not to re-initialize the display controller, to ignore additional registry parameters, and to use the configuration set for the splash screen.

The “Cloned” display will only be initialized once WinCE has fully booted, so you will observe an image appearing on the HDMI screen with some delay.

When i use “UseSplashSettings”=1 then HDMI display doesn’t work.

The “UseSplashSettings”=1 should be set for primary display only ([HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Display\Colibri] )

For the Clone display it sould be set to 0:


This black between the splashcreen and desktop screen.

But when i donot use clone under display-colibri then it has not blackscreen inbetween desktop appears fast.