Cortex-M binary update OTA

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To include a Cortex-M7 binary in your custom TorizonCore OS image for the Verdin iMX8M-Plus, you can follow these steps:

  1. Storing the Binary in the Filesystem:

    • Store the Cortex-M7 binary in a directory within the root filesystem that is accessible during the boot process. A common choice is /lib/firmware or a custom directory like /opt/firmware. This ensures the binary is included in the OS image and accessible by U-Boot.
  2. Configuring U-Boot to Load the Binary:

    • Use the ext4load command in U-Boot to load the binary from the eMMC. Specify the partition and path to the binary. For example:
      ext4load mmc 0:1 0x7e0000 /lib/firmware/your_m7_binary.bin
      Here, mmc 0:1 refers to the first partition of the eMMC, 0x7e0000 is the memory address for loading, and /lib/firmware/your_m7_binary.bin is the path to your binary.
  3. Avoiding RemoteProc:

    • Since you prefer not to use RemoteProc, configure your U-Boot environment to load and execute the binary directly. Set up the appropriate boot commands in U-Boot to load the binary into memory and start execution.
  4. Testing and Validation:

    • Test the boot process to ensure the Cortex-M7 binary is correctly loaded and executed. Adjust memory addresses and paths as needed based on your setup.

By following these steps, you can integrate the Cortex-M7 binary into your TorizonCore OS image and manage its deployment through OS updates, while maintaining efficient boot times.

Best regards,
Toradex AI Assistant.

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

How to flash uboot and kernel image into emmc- Verdin IMX8MP.