ADC read errors on Verdin 1.1b

I changed the script so that the main function now looks like this:

 def main():                                                                                                                                                    
    print("Hello World!")                                                                                                                                      
    cpu = IMX8MMFeatures()                                                                                                                                     
    test = TLA2024()                                                                                                                                           
    while (1):                                                                                                                                                 
        test.get_string(, "mean")                                                                                                                   

I started it and I could see that the python process was taking 100% of a single core. I let this test run and it executed for more than a day without any issues. These were the last messages I saw before I stopped it:

here 1263762
here 1263776
here 1263789
here 1263799
here 1263807
here 1263820

I’ll probably leave it running over the weekend but it seems that it’s still not reproducible here.

@rafael.tx thanx you!
Any observation so far?

Best Regards,

Matthias Gohlke

I’ve run more than 2000000 reads with the modified script and still didn’t reproduce the issue. At this point I don’t know what else could be the reason for the different behavior.

Hi @rafael.tx, thanks for doing so much work on this. We can try again here. Are you on the same OS and BSP version as us? We are planning to move to 5.7LTS shortly anyway, maybe we can just retest on that.

I was testing on BSP 5.6.0 but I wouldn’t expect too much difference in BSP 5.7.0.

We are still on 5.2 for all our deployed stuff and were testing on that.

Linking to a newer thread:
Occasionally: ‘/dev/verdin-adc1’: No such File or directory - Technical Support - Toradex Community