Occasionally: '/dev/verdin-adc1': No such File or directory

Further to our thread here: ADC read errors on Verdin 1.1b - Technical Support - Toradex Community
Which @RoccoBr mentioned.
I recently showed on a device in the field that it is the driver which has stopped. You can fix the problem by reloading it:
I removed the adc driver with

sudo rmmod ti_ads1015

Then reloaded it with

sudo insmod /lib/modules/5.4.193-5.7.0+git.f78299297185/kernel/drivers/iio/adc/ti-ads1015.ko

And it then works again.

@RoccoBr is working on this with @drew.tx. My view is that the driver version is ancient with numerous fixes now in place. They are working on updating the driver and so far that testing looks good.