TorizonCore-Builder Bundle

I successfully created and pushed (docker push) an image onto a docker registry using VS Code, In my WSL working directory and can successfully pull the image (docker pull). I placed a docker-compose.yml file in my WSL working directory. When I issue the TorizonCore-Builder bundle command I receive the response “Can’t retrieve container information from docker”. I’m not sure why i get this.

I 'm also not certain about which docker-compose.yml file should be used. In my VS Code project directory there is a docker-compose.yml in the “appconfig_0” directory. There is also a docker-compose.yml in the appconfig_0/work directory. Which is the correct one to use? Do i need to generate another?

I hope i’m providing enough information.

When i hit the “F1” key in VS Code there is the command “Torizon/TorizonCore Builder: Create Torizon Image customization project”. What is that? Is there any documentation that defines how to use that? Can that be used in lieu of TorizonCore Builder in WSL?


Greetings @CEK,

There was a recent issue reported with the bundle command not working correctly in Windows/WSL. However the error in this reported issue is different than Can’t retrieve container information from docker. Is this the full error message produced by the bundle command?

I’m trying to figure out whether you’re experiencing the same or a different issue than the reported one.

I 'm also not certain about which docker-compose.yml file should be used. In my VS Code project directory there is a docker-compose.yml in the “appconfig_0” directory. There is also a docker-compose.yml in the appconfig_0/work directory. Which is the correct one to use? Do i need to generate another?

Is there a difference between the two compose files? Which one do you use to launch your full solution? The extension should have a command like Torizon: export docker-compose file or something similar that should open/create the docker-compose file corresponding to your project. But before bundling try to run the docker-compose file on your device to make sure it’s the “correct” one.

When i hit the “F1” key in VS Code there is the command “Torizon/TorizonCore Builder: Create Torizon Image customization project” . What is that? Is there any documentation that defines how to use that? Can that be used in lieu of TorizonCore Builder in WSL?

This is a early access feature that is still pending tests and documentation. It’s basically how it sounds it’ll allow you to work with TorizonCore Builder in VSCode rather than via command line in WSL. You can give it a try but things may still not work properly and there’s no public documentation for it yet.

Best Regards,

Hello Jerimias
Today my Visual Studio Code indicates “Cannot Connect to Torizon IDE backend process”, today is the 1st time i’ve had this issue. I need to figure that out. Not sure if that might be related to issue i mentioned above.

Wait is the issue here about TorizonCore Builder or the VSCode extensions? These are two completely separate tools.

On a Windows machine there could be various reasons for Cannot Connect to Torizon IDE backend process. Either the process failed to start for some reason. Or something on the system is blocking the communication to the process. Common issues can be firewalls/network restrictions, or issues with Docker/WSL failing to start.

Best Regards,

I resolved the issue with Cannot Connect to Torizon IDE backend process. Thats all good now.

I successfully generated docker-compose using “Torizon: export docker-compose file”. I place this docker-compose.yml file in my WSL working directory.

When i issue the Torizoncore-builder bundle command the only reply back that’s received is "Can’t retrieve container information from docker."

As previously mentioned I successfully used docker pull to retrieve the image from repository.

I’m not sure what container information cannot be retrieved.


Hmm this sounds like more of a server error than a TorizonCore Builder one. Let’s try this, if possible please share the docker-compose.yml you are using to bundle.

I’ll see if I can reproduce the same error on my side. This should help narrow the number of possible issues.

Best Regards,

here is file

my_docker_compose.yml (819 Bytes)

Oh I see the issue right away. Notice this chunk of your docker-compose.yml

    - /dev/gpiochip0
    - /dev/gpiochip3
    image: localhost:2375
    ports: []
    - /tmp:/tmp:rw

You have the image property just pointing to localhost:2375. I assume you have a local registry at localhost:2375 that contains your container image, correct?

You need to change this so that it also has the name of your container image. You said you’ve been able to pull the image with docker pull. What are you passing to the pull command? That’s what goes into the image field in your docker-compose.yml.

Keep in mind though as I said earlier there’s a known issue with the bundle command in Windows/WSL. So even if you get past this issue you’ll most likely run into that issue next. This known issue is still being looked at currently.

Best Regards,