Tcb-bundle task should delete the bundle folder on starting?

I’ve already opened this Github issue some weeks ago, but I haven’t received any feedback yet.
And in the past I had issues for old containers in the bundle folder.

I copy here the question from the Github issue:>

I see that tcb template has a tcb-bundle task
vscode-torizon-templates/tcb/.vscode/tasks.json at df4eeecf92aed9fb3cff59252f6b25735f7a6321 · torizon/vscode-torizon-templates · GitHub

It downloads the container images in a local directory, as described here

As far as I understand, if the local bundle folder already exists, it’s not deleted and ovewritten downloading new containers, but it’s used as it is.
If this is the case, it could contain old taghs of containers (from previous bundle commands).

Shouldn’t tcb-bundle task start with the deletion of the bundle local folder (if it exists)?

Hi, I’m the Toradex AI Assistant. The Toradex Support team will follow up with you shortly!

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Based on the context provided, it seems that the tcb-bundle task in the TCB template does not currently delete the existing bundle folder before downloading new container images. This can indeed lead to issues with outdated container tags remaining in the folder, which can cause confusion and potential conflicts.

The proposed solution is to modify the tcb-bundle task to start by deleting the existing bundle folder if it exists. This would ensure that only the latest container images are present, thereby preventing issues related to outdated tags and improving the overall functionality and reliability of the task.

Since you have already opened a GitHub issue regarding this behavior and have not received feedback, it might be helpful to follow up on the issue or reach out to the maintainers directly for further assistance. The link to the relevant code in the GitHub repository can be used by maintainers to locate the task and understand your request.

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

Trouble getting my application onto custom image with TorizonCore Builder.

Greetings @vix,

Let me bring this to the attention of our VSCode extensions teams.

Just to provide my own thoughts though. On the command-line if you run torizoncore-builder bundle and the bundle directory already exists it will print the following:

Bundle directory 'bundle' already exists; please remove it or pass a different output directory name.

So your line of thought is correct. If you want the bundle command to generate a new bundle directory then you should remove the old one. Or use bundle --force, which forces toizoncore-builder to delete any pre-existing bundle directory before creating a new one.

Best Regards,

I had issues with the automated CI pipeline

I missed the --force parameter.
I will add it to my CI pipeline script

I will add it to my CI pipeline script

Let me know if that helps clean-up the behavior with your pipeline.

Best Regards,

It seems ok.
I let you know in case I see other issues.

As a follow-up I brought this to the attention of our IDE extensions team. They’ll see what they can do to improve the default task behavior in the template, regarding the bundle command.

Best Regards,