BSP 3.0.4 U-Boot does not display splash screen with default OS image.
How can I turn on splash?
Best regards.
BSP 3.0.4 U-Boot does not display splash screen with default OS image.
How can I turn on splash?
Best regards.
Hi Kirikawa-san,
I’m afraid that BSP 3.0.4 does not have U-boot splash screen. We are working on unifying the splash screen between Uboot and Linux kernel starting BSP 4, but for BSP 3 this was not possible. I recommend using directly the splash screen in Linux.
Kind regards,
Hi @developer0916 , I can confirm to you that we will be disabling Uboot Splashscreen also in following BSPs. Above information of using directly Linux splash screen still applies and it is recommended.
Some explanation:
there is 3 different types of Bootsplash screens: U-Boot boot loader, Linux kernel and Userspace application.
Because of several customers having issues/flicker problems with the transition in between U-Boot and Kernel splash screens, we’ve decided to change our default behavior.
Because every single module/display/u-boot/kernel/userspace setup is different, any combo of them we would implement this would not be generic and also be easily breakable if anything changes, so its impossible for us to have a default setup which fits any requirements.
As of 5.0, we will be disabling the U-Boot boot loader splash screen by default. This means there will be a delay after turning on the module while U-Boot loads, and then only after the kernel starts loading an image will be shown.
The Kernel and Userspace splash screens have not been changed and all previous info still applies.
The customer has choose to enable a splash screen here and recompile Yocto/U Boot in order to override this default.
This here is the link to the Linux Splash Screen Page
hi Adrian,
Thanks for your Input.
Best regards,