Hello @jeremias.tx,
If you can just confirm that offline updates work for you when ran normally, that would be helpful. Just so we’re sure nothing else is wrong.
In the Torizon Cloud I made a lockbox with the official latest release for torizon-minimal (kirkstone/verdin-imx8mm/torizon/torizon-minimal/release:6.6.1+build.14
and transfered it to a usb stick.
Then I changed the offline update source to /media/<stick name>/update
and started aktualizr again:
$ sudo aktualizr-torizon --loglevel 0
Aktualizr version tdx-171aba3c starting
Reading config: "/usr/lib/sota/conf.d/20-sota-device-cred.toml"
Reading config: "/usr/lib/sota/conf.d/30-rollback.toml"
Reading config: "/usr/lib/sota/conf.d/40-hardware-id.toml"
Reading config: "/usr/lib/sota/conf.d/50-secondaries.toml"
Reading config: "/usr/lib/sota/conf.d/60-polling-interval.toml"
Reading config: "/usr/lib/sota/conf.d/70-reboot.toml"
Reading config: "/etc/sota/conf.d/99-offline-updates.toml"
Final configuration that will be used:
loglevel = 0
module = ""
pass = ""
uptane_key_id = ""
tls_ca_id = ""
tls_pkey_id = ""
tls_clientcert_id = ""
server = "https://dgw.torizon.io"
server_url_path = "/usr/lib/sota/gateway.url"
ca_source = "file"
pkey_source = "file"
cert_source = "file"
server = "https://dgw.torizon.io"
p12_password = ""
expiry_days = "36000"
provision_path = ""
device_id = ""
primary_ecu_serial = ""
primary_ecu_hardware_id = "verdin-imx8mm"
ecu_registration_endpoint = "https://dgw.torizon.io/director/ecus"
mode = "DeviceCred"
polling_sec = 300
director_server = "https://dgw.torizon.io/director"
repo_server = "https://dgw.torizon.io/repo"
key_source = "file"
key_type = "RSA2048"
force_install_completion = true
secondary_config_file = "/usr/lib/sota/secondaries.json"
secondary_preinstall_wait_sec = 600
enable_online_updates = false
enable_offline_updates = true
offline_updates_source = "/media/TOSHIBA/update"
update_lock_file = "/run/lock/aktualizr-lock"
type = "ostree"
os = ""
sysroot = ""
ostree_server = "https://dgw.torizon.io/treehub"
images_path = "/var/sota/images"
packages_file = "/usr/package.manifest"
fake_need_reboot = false
booted = "booted"
type = "sqlite"
path = "/var/sota"
sqldb_path = "sql.db"
uptane_metadata_path = "metadata"
uptane_private_key_path = "ecukey.der"
uptane_public_key_path = "ecukey.pub"
tls_cacert_path = "root.crt"
tls_pkey_path = "pkey.pem"
tls_clientcert_path = "client.pem"
base_path = "/var/sota/import"
uptane_private_key_path = ""
uptane_public_key_path = ""
tls_cacert_path = "/usr/lib/sota/root.crt"
tls_pkey_path = "pkey.pem"
tls_clientcert_path = "client.pem"
report_network = true
report_config = true
rollback_mode = "uboot_masked"
reboot_sentinel_dir = "/var/run/aktualizr-session"
reboot_sentinel_name = "need_reboot"
reboot_command = "/usr/bin/touch /run/need-reboot"
Current directory: /var/rootdirs/home/torizon
Use existing SQL storage: "/var/sota/sql.db"
Couldn`t import data: empty path received
Couldn't import client certificate: "/var/sota/import/client.pem" doesn't exist.
Couldn't import client TLS key: "/var/sota/import/pkey.pem" doesn't exist.
No serial found in database for this ECU, defaulting to empty serial
Root for image already present, not importing
Root for director already present, not importing
Initializing docker-compose Secondaries...
Use existing SQL storage: "/var/sota/storage/docker-compose/sql.db"
Root metadata not found in database
No valid metadata found in storage.
Adding Secondary with ECU serial: c00d866cb4a781bd4ba2156d365e25bdab51de912850dbd5cc7600c278f4ec91 with hardware ID: docker-compose
Initializing torizon-generic Secondaries...
Use existing SQL storage: "/var/sota/storage/bootloader/sql.db"
Root metadata not found in database
No valid metadata found in storage.
Adding Secondary with ECU serial: f9f39d7858a8514ac5cfd6012ee83f638801fd59bc7d3108ffc7f93db2c2e7c4 with hardware ID: verdin-imx8mm-bootloader
Stashing ECU serials for hwid
Secondary ECU c00d866cb4a781bd4ba2156d365e25bdab51de912850dbd5cc7600c278f4ec91 not found in database
Secondary ECU f9f39d7858a8514ac5cfd6012ee83f638801fd59bc7d3108ffc7f93db2c2e7c4 not found in database
No pending updates, continuing with initialization
Stashing ECU serials for hwid
Secondary ECU c00d866cb4a781bd4ba2156d365e25bdab51de912850dbd5cc7600c278f4ec91 not found in database
Secondary ECU f9f39d7858a8514ac5cfd6012ee83f638801fd59bc7d3108ffc7f93db2c2e7c4 not found in database
Offline Updates are enabled
Stashing ECU serials for hwid
Secondary ECU c00d866cb4a781bd4ba2156d365e25bdab51de912850dbd5cc7600c278f4ec91 not found in database
Secondary ECU f9f39d7858a8514ac5cfd6012ee83f638801fd59bc7d3108ffc7f93db2c2e7c4 not found in database
Stashing ECU serials for hwid
Secondary ECU c00d866cb4a781bd4ba2156d365e25bdab51de912850dbd5cc7600c278f4ec91 not found in database
Secondary ECU f9f39d7858a8514ac5cfd6012ee83f638801fd59bc7d3108ffc7f93db2c2e7c4 not found in database
After connecting the stick to my SOM I got this output of aktualizr:
fetchMetaOffUpd() called with source_path: "/media/TOSHIBA/update"
offline-snapshot metadata not found in database
Getting ECU serials for hwid: LEN=3
No hardware ID found in database for ECU serial 5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc
Failed to get current installed version: no more rows available
Current version for ECU ID: 5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc is unknown
New updates found in Director metadata. Checking Image repo metadata...
1 new update found in both Director and Image repo metadata.
Event: UpdateCheckComplete, Result - Updates available
Getting ECU serials for hwid: LEN=3
No hardware ID found in database for ECU serial 5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc
Failed to get current installed version: no more rows available
Current version for ECU ID: 5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc is unknown
New updates found in stored Director metadata. Checking stored Image repo metadata...
Performing a local pull from file:///media/TOSHIBA/update/images/ostree
ostree-pull: Writing objects: 2
ostree-pull: Writing objects: 5
ostree-pull: Writing objects: 28
ostree-pull: 337 metadata, 1372 content objects imported; 122.7 MB content written
Event: DownloadTargetComplete, Result - Success
Event: AllDownloadsComplete, Result - Success
Getting ECU serials for hwid: LEN=3
No hardware ID found in database for ECU serial 5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc
Failed to get current installed version: no more rows available
Current version for ECU ID: 5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc is unknown
New updates found in stored Director metadata. Checking stored Image repo metadata...
Event: InstallStarted
post request body:[
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:01:58Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc"
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationStarted",
"version" : 0
"id" : "fe6e26c5-f53c-407a-b8c0-402bfac526c9"
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
Installing package using ostree package manager
Commit metadata kargs=quiet logo.nologo vt.global_cursor_default=0 plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles splash fbcon=map:3
Original deployment kargs=quiet logo.nologo vt.global_cursor_default=0 plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles splash fbcon=map:3 ostree=/ostree/boot.1/torizon/d896df2d5749fe6aada0aab97ba93e43328c67e3a20c815a113ffe78bd5b22af/0
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
response http code: 0
response http code: 0
response http code: 0
note: Deploying commit 38d1244bb423def713f63ca175ccda5e8464cfcc24864afaf840be4a9fc5de20 which contains content in /var/local that will be ignored.
post request body:[
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:01:58Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc"
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationStarted",
"version" : 0
"id" : "fe6e26c5-f53c-407a-b8c0-402bfac526c9"
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
response http code: 0
response http code: 0
response http code: 0
post request body:[
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:01:58Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc"
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationStarted",
"version" : 0
"id" : "fe6e26c5-f53c-407a-b8c0-402bfac526c9"
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
response http code: 0
response http code: 0
response http code: 0
The section with the connection attempt to Torizon Cloud is repeated cyclically in an endless loop. So I have to cancel it with Ctrl+C
and get the following output:
Performing sync()
Event: InstallTargetComplete, Result - Success
post request body:[
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:01:58Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc"
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationStarted",
"version" : 0
"id" : "fe6e26c5-f53c-407a-b8c0-402bfac526c9"
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:02:38Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc"
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationApplied",
"version" : 0
"id" : "9751a8f4-a4df-49a4-9dca-c46b966e07a3"
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
Event: AllInstallsComplete, Result - INTERNAL_ERROR
Getting ECU serials for hwid: LEN=3
No hardware ID found in database for ECU serial 5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc
No hardware ID found in database for ECU serial c00d866cb4a781bd4ba2156d365e25bdab51de912850dbd5cc7600c278f4ec91
No hardware ID found in database for ECU serial f9f39d7858a8514ac5cfd6012ee83f638801fd59bc7d3108ffc7f93db2c2e7c4
About to reboot the system in order to apply pending updates...
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
Aktualizr daemon exiting...
After reboot the new TorizonCore 6.6.1+build.14
starts so the update seemed to work in general.
What do you think about the logs?
Is it normal that aktualizr tries to connect to the Torizon Cloud in an endless loop even though online updates are disabled? When restarting aktualizr after the update it continues to try to connect to the Torizon Cloud:
$ sudo aktualizr-torizon --loglevel 0
Aktualizr version tdx-1523e48d starting
Reading config: "/usr/lib/sota/conf.d/20-sota-device-cred.toml"
Reading config: "/usr/lib/sota/conf.d/30-rollback.toml"
Reading config: "/usr/lib/sota/conf.d/40-hardware-id.toml"
Reading config: "/usr/lib/sota/conf.d/50-secondaries.toml"
Reading config: "/usr/lib/sota/conf.d/60-polling-interval.toml"
Reading config: "/usr/lib/sota/conf.d/70-reboot.toml"
Reading config: "/etc/sota/conf.d/99-offline-updates.toml"
Final configuration that will be used:
loglevel = 0
module = ""
pass = ""
uptane_key_id = ""
tls_ca_id = ""
tls_pkey_id = ""
tls_clientcert_id = ""
server = "https://dgw.torizon.io"
server_url_path = "/usr/lib/sota/gateway.url"
ca_source = "file"
pkey_source = "file"
cert_source = "file"
server = "https://dgw.torizon.io"
p12_password = ""
expiry_days = "36000"
provision_path = ""
device_id = ""
primary_ecu_serial = ""
primary_ecu_hardware_id = "verdin-imx8mm"
ecu_registration_endpoint = "https://dgw.torizon.io/director/ecus"
mode = "DeviceCred"
polling_sec = 300
director_server = "https://dgw.torizon.io/director"
repo_server = "https://dgw.torizon.io/repo"
key_source = "file"
key_type = "RSA2048"
force_install_completion = true
secondary_config_file = "/usr/lib/sota/secondaries.json"
secondary_preinstall_wait_sec = 600
enable_online_updates = false
enable_offline_updates = true
offline_updates_source = "/media/TOSHIBA/update"
update_lock_file = "/run/lock/aktualizr-lock"
type = "ostree"
os = ""
sysroot = ""
ostree_server = "https://dgw.torizon.io/treehub"
images_path = "/var/sota/images"
packages_file = "/usr/package.manifest"
fake_need_reboot = false
booted = "booted"
type = "sqlite"
path = "/var/sota"
sqldb_path = "sql.db"
uptane_metadata_path = "metadata"
uptane_private_key_path = "ecukey.der"
uptane_public_key_path = "ecukey.pub"
tls_cacert_path = "root.crt"
tls_pkey_path = "pkey.pem"
tls_clientcert_path = "client.pem"
base_path = "/var/sota/import"
uptane_private_key_path = ""
uptane_public_key_path = ""
tls_cacert_path = "/usr/lib/sota/root.crt"
tls_pkey_path = "pkey.pem"
tls_clientcert_path = "client.pem"
report_network = true
report_config = true
rollback_mode = "uboot_masked"
reboot_sentinel_dir = "/var/run/aktualizr-session"
reboot_sentinel_name = "need_reboot"
reboot_command = "/usr/bin/touch /run/need-reboot"
Current directory: /var/rootdirs/home/torizon
Use existing SQL storage: "/var/sota/sql.db"
Couldn`t import data: empty path received
Couldn't import client certificate: "/var/sota/import/client.pem" doesn't exist.
Couldn't import client TLS key: "/var/sota/import/pkey.pem" doesn't exist.
No serial found in database for this ECU, defaulting to empty serial
Root for image already present, not importing
Root for director already present, not importing
Initializing docker-compose Secondaries...
Use existing SQL storage: "/var/sota/storage/docker-compose/sql.db"
post request body:[
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:01:58Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc"
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationStarted",
"version" : 0
"id" : "fe6e26c5-f53c-407a-b8c0-402bfac526c9"
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:02:38Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc"
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationApplied",
"version" : 0
"id" : "9751a8f4-a4df-49a4-9dca-c46b966e07a3"
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:04:25Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc",
"success" : true
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationCompleted",
"version" : 0
"id" : "e6afa88f-e04d-4867-ab09-37292938a88b"
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
Root metadata not found in database
No valid metadata found in storage.
Adding Secondary with ECU serial: c00d866cb4a781bd4ba2156d365e25bdab51de912850dbd5cc7600c278f4ec91 with hardware ID: docker-compose
Initializing torizon-generic Secondaries...
Use existing SQL storage: "/var/sota/storage/bootloader/sql.db"
Root metadata not found in database
No valid metadata found in storage.
Adding Secondary with ECU serial: f9f39d7858a8514ac5cfd6012ee83f638801fd59bc7d3108ffc7f93db2c2e7c4 with hardware ID: verdin-imx8mm-bootloader
Stashing ECU serials for hwid
Secondary ECU c00d866cb4a781bd4ba2156d365e25bdab51de912850dbd5cc7600c278f4ec91 not found in database
Secondary ECU f9f39d7858a8514ac5cfd6012ee83f638801fd59bc7d3108ffc7f93db2c2e7c4 not found in database
No pending updates, continuing with initialization
Stashing ECU serials for hwid
Secondary ECU c00d866cb4a781bd4ba2156d365e25bdab51de912850dbd5cc7600c278f4ec91 not found in database
Secondary ECU f9f39d7858a8514ac5cfd6012ee83f638801fd59bc7d3108ffc7f93db2c2e7c4 not found in database
Offline Updates are enabled
Stashing ECU serials for hwid
Secondary ECU c00d866cb4a781bd4ba2156d365e25bdab51de912850dbd5cc7600c278f4ec91 not found in database
Secondary ECU f9f39d7858a8514ac5cfd6012ee83f638801fd59bc7d3108ffc7f93db2c2e7c4 not found in database
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
response http code: 0
response http code: 0
response http code: 0
Failed to post update events: 6 Couldn't resolve host name HTTP 0
post request body:[
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:01:58Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc"
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationStarted",
"version" : 0
"id" : "fe6e26c5-f53c-407a-b8c0-402bfac526c9"
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:02:38Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc"
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationApplied",
"version" : 0
"id" : "9751a8f4-a4df-49a4-9dca-c46b966e07a3"
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:04:25Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc",
"success" : true
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationCompleted",
"version" : 0
"id" : "e6afa88f-e04d-4867-ab09-37292938a88b"
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
response http code: 0
response http code: 0
response http code: 0
Failed to post update events: 6 Couldn't resolve host name HTTP 0
post request body:[
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:01:58Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc"
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationStarted",
"version" : 0
"id" : "fe6e26c5-f53c-407a-b8c0-402bfac526c9"
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:02:38Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc"
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationApplied",
"version" : 0
"id" : "9751a8f4-a4df-49a4-9dca-c46b966e07a3"
"deviceTime" : "2024-06-27T22:04:25Z",
"event" :
"correlationId" : "urn:tdx-ota:lockbox:Testupdate:7:4d31e0559dc3",
"ecu" : "5a29c6633ceeab60343a8827621cede71bd291a05691b88e7e714cba3ba94dfc",
"success" : true
"eventType" :
"id" : "EcuInstallationCompleted",
"version" : 0
"id" : "e6afa88f-e04d-4867-ab09-37292938a88b"
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
* Could not resolve host: dgw.torizon.io
* Closing connection
curl error 6 (http code 0): Couldn't resolve host name
response http code: 0
response http code: 0
response http code: 0
Failed to post update events: 6 Couldn't resolve host name HTTP 0
Best regards,