Isotp kernel modul

We are currently developping a CAN application in Python. To send big payloads we want to use iso-tp. For an efficient handling a kernel modul needs to be added for this (GitHub - hartkopp/can-isotp: Linux Kernel Module for ISO 15765-2:2016 CAN transport protocol PLEASE NOTE: This module is part of the mainline Linux kernel since version 5.10).

As far as I understand, is there no way to install a kernel modul on your Torizon OS (no build headers), is there another way to add this modul or to add efficient iso-tp capability?

There would be a Python modul which does the job (isotp), but it is to slow for our application.

Hi @relu_matriq !

Actually, you can use TorizonCore Builder to add out-of-tree kernel modules to your TorizonCore.

Please take a look at the Kernel Modules section of the TorizonCore Builder Tool - Customizing TorizonCore Images | Toradex Developer Center article.

After a quick look at the repository that you shared, seems like it is a good candidate to kind of “work out of the box” with TorizonCore Builder.

Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

Best regards,

this sounds promising, thanks! I will try it

Did you get this to work?

This module has been accepted into the main line kernel since 5.10, but does not appear to be enabled in any torizon images. I’d be interested in a way to build main line modules, but the torizon builder examples only cover out of tree modules.

Hi @abferm,

Could you please create a new post. If this driver really is in the Linux kernel now, we would be happy to enable it as a kernel module in TorizonCore 6, assuming there’s no conflicts for us to do so. In your new post please state what module you are using as well as the exact CONFIG_* option(s) that are needed for this.

Best Regards,