Interface Custom LVDS Display

We have a requirement to interface a custom LVDS display for our current project. I would appreciate some guidance on how to get started with this task.

Could you please provide any recommendations or resources that could help me understand the necessary steps involved in interfacing with this type of display?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

Verdin iMX8M Plus Quad 4GB Wi-Fi / Bluetooth IT V1.1A
Yavia Carrier Board V1.0A
TorizonCore 6.4.0+build.5 (kirkstone)

Hi, I’m the Toradex AI Assistant. The Toradex Support team will follow up with you shortly!

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Hi Imesh,

To interface a custom LVDS display with your Verdin iMX8M Plus on the Yavia Carrier Board running TorizonCore, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the Display Specifications

First, gather all the necessary specifications of your custom LVDS display, including resolution, timings (horizontal and vertical sync, back porch, front porch), and any other relevant parameters. This information is typically found in the display’s datasheet.

2. Modify the Device Tree Overlays

You will need to create or modify a Device Tree Overlay to match the specifications of your custom LVDS display. Toradex provides examples and a repository of Device Tree Overlays that you can use as a starting point.

3. Steps to Create/Modify Device Tree Overlay

  • Clone the Repository:
    git clone
    cd device-tree-overlays
  • Create a New Overlay:
    Copy an existing LVDS overlay and modify it according to your display’s specifications.
    cp overlays/display/lvds_overlay.dts overlays/display/custom_lvds_overlay.dts
  • Edit the Overlay:
    Open the custom_lvds_overlay.dts file and update the display timings and other parameters to match your custom display’s datasheet.

4. Deploy the Device Tree Overlay

  • Compile the Overlay:
    make DTC_FLAGS="-@ -I dts -O dtb -o overlays/display/custom_lvds_overlay.dtbo overlays/display/custom_lvds_overlay.dts"
  • Deploy the Overlay:
    Copy the compiled .dtbo file to the overlays directory on your TorizonCore system.
    scp overlays/display/custom_lvds_overlay.dtbo torizon@<your-board-ip>:/boot/overlays/
  • Enable the Overlay:
    Edit the uEnv.txt file on your TorizonCore system to include your custom overlay.
    nano /boot/uEnv.txt
    Add the following line:

5. Reboot and Test

Reboot your system to apply the changes. After rebooting, you can check if the display is recognized and working correctly.

  • Check Display Detection:
    dmesg | grep drm
  • Start Weston:
    docker run -d --rm --name=weston --net=host --cap-add CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG -v /dev:/dev -v /tmp:/tmp -v /run/udev:/run/udev torizon/weston

6. Touch Screen Calibration (if applicable)

If your display includes a touch screen, you may need to calibrate it. Refer to the Touch Screen Calibration (Torizon) article for detailed instructions.

Additional Resources

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, feel free to contact Toradex technical support.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

Verdin IMX8MP: Use native LVDS and HDMI Interface.