Install gputop on imx8mp verdin

Hi @kishan

I quickly tested the custom image by adding imx-test and I could get the GPU profiling information.
Follow the below steps

  1. Add IMAGE_INSTALL_append= " imx-test" in local.conf and build custom multimedia image.
  2. Flash the same and set the galcore driver setting. You can also set the parameter in u-boot.
setenv tdxargs galcore.gpuProfiler=1

You can confirm if it worked using the following command from the shell:

cat /sys/module/galcore/parameters/gpuProfiler

if you get a 1, it worked.
3. Export the following environment variables in the current session.

export VIV_PROFILE=1
export VP_OUTPUT=sample.vpd

4.Finally, you just have to run the application and the driver will create a file called sample.vpd in the running directory.
5.Download the VivanteIDE from here to analyse the GPU information.
Please refer to the i.MX_Graphics_User’s_Guide.pdf chapter 13 for more information.