I am trying to build a custom device tree which is to be included a yocto build.
I have followed all the instructions here: https://developer.toradex.com/linux-bsp/os-development/build-yocto/custom-meta-layers-recipes-and-images-in-yocto-project-hello-world-examples/#customize-the-kernel
The device tree I am using is a copy of linux-toradex/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-verdin-wifi-dev.dts
. The only difference to the file is that I include it on my custom layer under meta-my-layer/recipies-kernel/linux/linux-toradex/imx8mp-verdin-custom.dts
and I have a bbappend with pretty much all the same details mentioned in the linked topic.
I have not added the patch file, defconfig or the u-boot bbappend changes (as I don’t need those yet).
Having run a bitbake without errors, I am unable to see final built dtb anywhere (expecting a file called imx8mp-verdin-custom.dtb
somewhere on my disk. However, this is not found anywhere (not even in any of the textual build scripts/files).
The dts is copied into all locations I can find that contain the other std and dtsi files. However, it never seems to get built.
Am I missing something?
Hi @izzy_building !
Welcome to Toradex Community!
Feel free to browse around!
Some questions:
- Could you please share your recipe?
- Also, which BSP version are you using?
- Did you create the extra
for the machine?
3.1. Did you include it in your conf/layer.conf
Best regards,
Unfortunately, my layer is only on my local machine while I am testing.
my initial setup is using repo and the toradex-manifest from here: https://git.toradex.com/cgit/toradex-manifest.git/log/?h=kirkstone-6.x.y
I have a layers/meta-test-drivers/conf/machine/verdin-imx8mp-extra.conf
KERNEL_DEVICETREE:append = " freescale/imx8mp-verdin-custom.dtb"
I have a layers/meta-test-drivers/conf/layer.conf
BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \
BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "meta-test-drivers"
BBFILE_PATTERN_meta-test-drivers = "^${LAYERDIR}/"
BBFILE_PRIORITY_meta-test-drivers = "30"
LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_meta-test-drivers = "kirkstone"
include conf/machine/${MACHINE}-extra.conf
I have a layers/meta-test-drivers/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-toradex_%.bbappend
CUSTOM_DEVICETREE = "imx8mp-verdin-custom.dts"
do_configure:append() {
# For arm32 bit freescale/NXP devices
# cp ${WORKDIR}/${CUSTOM_DEVICETREE} ${S}/arch/arm/boot/dts/freescale
# For arm64 bit freescale/NXP devices
cp ${WORKDIR}/${CUSTOM_DEVICETREE} ${S}/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale
My layers/meta-test-drivers/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-toradex/imx8mp-verdin-custom.dts
is a copy of linux-toradex/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-verdin-wifi-dev.dts
(retrieved from build/tmp/work/verdin....../git/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale
of previous normal build.
I have added my meta-test-drivers
layer to my build/conf/bbappend.conf
Hopefully that is everything.
It seems to build, but I don’t see the expected dtb anywhere.
Hi @izzy_building !
I just managed to build a custom device tree (from .dts
to .dtb
) following the referred Toradex Developer article with no issue.
So let’s go through a couple of checkpoints and try to find out what is missing.
Please share the output of the following commands.
Appends applied to linux-toradex
bitbake-layers show-appends linux-toradex
To be sure that your bbappend
is being applied. If not, please add your layer to build/conf/bblayers.conf
and check again.
bitbake-getvar -r linux-toradex KERNEL_DEVICETREE
Your freescale/imx8mp-verdin-custom.dtb
should be there.
task run
cat /path/to/build/tmp/work/verdin_imx8p-tdx-linux/linux-toradex/<version>/temp/run.do_compile | grep imx8mp-verdin-custom.dts
You should get the line that copies the .dts
to its place.
task log
cat /path/to/build/tmp/work/verdin_imx8p-tdx-linux/linux-toradex/<version>/temp/log.do_compile | grep imx8mp-verdin-custom.dtb
You should see your device tree being compiled here. This is one line you should get with no errors related to it:
DTC arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-verdin-custom.dtb
Search among build files
fdfind imx8mp-verdin-custom.dt /path/to/build/deploy/images/verdin-imx8mp
fdfind imx8mp-verdin-custom.dt /path/to/build/tmp/work/verdin_imx8p-tdx-linux/linux-toradex
With these searches, you should find both the source .dts
and compile .dtb
files for your device tree. (The fdfind
command is a very good and performant replacement to the usual find
file: GitHub - sharkdp/fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find')
Let us know if this helps you!
Best regards,
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@henrique.tx - Thanks for all the info here.
I will try these out to check these as soon as I can and come back with results.
I have now managed to start debugging this with the details above.
What I “think” I am seeing is that my verdin-imx8mp-extra.conf
is not being picked up.
If I remove the ${MACHINE}
from the include line in my layer.conf and replace it with the hard-coded machine name, it seems to resolve the updated KERNEL_DEVICETREE
value with my dtb included.
I have also confirmed that the dtb is also now present in the final image.
Thanks for all the help with debugging info.