How to inclue GUVCView in Yocto Image?

Hello world,
I’m using Yocto Toradex Multimedia reference Image in IMX6DL, I compiled it successfully, now I want to install GUVCview in yocto image, I think for this I need to create a recipe here, so can anyone tell me on how to create recipe to install GUVCview in Yocto Image for IMX6DL?



While we don’t have Toradex guides on creating recipes. You can often find other recipes and layers on sites such as:

And if you do need to create a recipe and are unsure, I would start with the yocto documentation. Here is there first principles guide for recipes.


Hello @Nolan_Maverick,

May I know if you have been able to make any progress here :slight_smile: ?

Nope still I’m unable to install guvcview

Hello @Nolan_Maverick ,

At what point are you now? Have you tried to build a recipe for this package?
If so, what is the outcome?

Best regards,

Nope I’m unable to see any repos in github related to ipheth-utils


Hello @Nolan_Maverick ,

Maybe your answer is related to that other thread of yours. :slight_smile:

Meanwhile, what’s the status regarding GUVCView?

Best regards,

Hello @Nolan_Maverick ,
Do you have any updates about this topic?

Best regards,