GUI Desktop on verdin-imx8mp-

Hello, I’m actullay trying to acess the webacm on verdin-imx8mp using OpenCv I want to show the frames captured by Webcam on screen .
Also, Is it possible to have a desktop for this board like Raspberry has Raspbian desktop for its all Pi models?

Hi, I’m the Toradex AI Assistant. The Toradex Support team will follow up with you shortly!

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To access the webcam on the Verdin iMX8M Plus using OpenCV and display the frames on the screen, you can utilize the GStreamer framework, which is pre-installed in the Reference Multimedia Image. You can use GStreamer to capture video from the webcam and then process it with OpenCV to display the frames.

Regarding having a desktop environment similar to Raspbian on Raspberry Pi, you can use Torizon, which is a Linux-based operating system provided by Toradex. Torizon supports running applications in containers, and you can install a desktop environment within a container using Debian packages. This setup allows you to have a graphical user interface on the Verdin iMX8M Plus.

For more detailed instructions, you might want to refer to the Toradex documentation on setting up a graphical environment and using GStreamer with OpenCV.

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

Use NPU with yolov5 on iMX8MP - NXP Community.

Hi @atharva.s

Are you using Torizon OS?
We also have a gstreamer capture example on our samples repo for Torizon

Sadly we don’t have a Desktop, like a personal computer, environment. Our main focus is on Torizon OS, which is based on containers for easy deployment and updates.

Thanks Allan. can you suggest me how can I show a GUI as I aim to capture the image from webcam and display it using computer vision alogos?

Hi @atharva.s

If you just want to capture the image and see it on the screen, the example from the sample should do exaclty that.

If you want to develop a GUI, we have this article with a great overview of GUI and some of the most commonly used frameworks.