External libraries with Torizon visual studio extension

Hi @jeffbelz ,

try following these steps (using a copy of libgpiod as example):

1- copy the folder with the external library and headers to the appconfig_0 folder:


2- On visual studio at solution explorer select “show all files”:


3- Include the content of the folder to the project. Right click on the folder or files and select “include in project”


4- On the application properties go to the “Linker → Input” and set the “Library Dependencies”:

5- Yet on application properties go to the “Linker → Command Line” and add to the “Additional Options” the follow:

-L $(RemoteRootDir)/$(ProjectName)/appconfig_0/<changeME>

6- Yet on application properties goto the “Torizon C/C++ Application” and edit the Configuration “.\appconfig_0 ->properties” setting the buildfiles to:

COPY <changeME> /lib

Save and apply the changes, you should be able to use your external library.