Chromium: No chinese fonts installed


we use weston, chromium and Node.js for our HMI on a verdin + Torizon OS. In chromium (3.3.0) chinese does not work out of the box. We had to build our own chromium docker image and install following packages: “fonts-arphic-ukai fonts-arphic-uming fonts-noto fonts-noto-cjk”.
Is it possible to enable these fonts by default in torizon/chromium?

Best Regards,

Hi, I’m the Toradex AI Assistant. The Toradex Support team will follow up with you shortly!

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Hello Erik,

Currently, the default Torizon Chromium container does not include Chinese fonts out of the box. As you’ve done, building a custom Chromium Docker image and installing the necessary font packages like “fonts-arphic-ukai”, “fonts-arphic-uming”, “fonts-noto”, and “fonts-noto-cjk” is the correct approach to enable Chinese font support.

To have these fonts enabled by default in the official Torizon Chromium container, it would require a change in the base image provided by Toradex. You might consider reaching out to Toradex support or submitting a feature request to see if this can be included in future releases.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

Assistance Required - Internal Server Error and Pointer Functionality Issue with Torizon Support Extension in Visual Studio Code.


Just to understand, do you want us to have these fonts installed in your container image by default, so that it’s less work for you to do so? Or is there another reason behind this?

Generally with our base containers we aim to deliver a container image with just the minimal packages needed. This is one reason we don’t have every type of font package installed in our container images. Doing so would increase the size of the container image for everyone, even though most fonts are not needed for everyone’s use-case.

It’s expected for our customers to customize/extend our base container images to accommodate any extra features, or use-cases they need for their product.

Best Regards,

Hello @jeremias.tx,

thanks for the answer.

I just thought this would be a typicall usecase. But your argumentation absolutely makes sense.
At our side its no problem to add the fonts by ourselfe.

Best Regards,

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Glad I could help clarify, and thank you for your understanding.

Best Regards,