Hi Toradex Community,
I am currently working with the following hardware:
- Apalis iMX6Q V1.1D (Also tried with V1.1C and V1.1Y)
- Ixora Carrier Board V1.2
- Capacitive Touch Display 7" Parallel
I’ve been building Boot2Qt 5.15 images in the past and displaying GUI via HDMI port, no problem.
This time, I would like to build a prototype using the Capacitive Touch Display due to new layout requirements in this new device.
I figured I’d start with making Toradex Easy Installer work on the display. Initial plug without making changes from the First Steps with Capacitive Touch Display 7inch Parallel gives a poor quality 640x480 display instead of 800x480 display. The remaining fraction of the screen is black with colored stripes.
Then I started looking into changing that vidargs environment variable to
fw_setenv vidargs 'video=mxcfb0:dev=lcd,FusionF07A,if=RGB24 video=mxcfb1:off video=mxcfb2:off video=mxcfb3:off fbmem=32M'
but that’s didn’t seem to have done anything different.
So I started looking into enabling/disabling the Device Tree overlays provided by toradex on TEZI as indicated in the documentation online. So far, everything is pointing to the following .dtbo to enable:
However, I have not found a .dtbo named like this anywhere (is this outdated? If so, what am I looking for now?).
I’ve noticed so far the following:
- TEZI 5.3.0: This version displays as 640x480. The overlays.txt shows:
fdt_overlays=apalis-imx6_parallel-rgb_overlay.dtbo display-edt7_overlay.dtbo apalis-imx6_stmpe-ts_overlay.dtbo apalis-imx6_hdmi_overlay.dtbo
No apalis-imx6_panel-cap-touch-7inch_overlay.dtbo is seen here.
- TEZI 6.7.0: This version does not display at all. The overlays.txt shows:
fdt_overlays=apalis-imx6_vga-640x480_overlay.dtbo apalis-imx6_hdmi_overlay.dtbo
Again, no apalis-imx6_panel-cap-touch-7inch_overlay.dtbo is seen here.
- Building my own Boot2Qt 5.15.17 via Yocto
Checking the overlays available in the boot partition, like instructed in the online documentation, does not show apalis-imx6_panel-cap-touch-7inch_overlay.dtbo. I only see these instead:
So I’m assuming things got renamed throughout versions, I’m just unsure if I’m trying to do the right thing, and if so what exactly am I looking for now. I’d like to know how to solve this for Boot2Qt 5.15 as a starting point.
Is modifying the vidargs needed? Since I’m only using Toradex provided products, I should only expect to enable/disable overlays, and not create/modify some, right? Does all this even apply for TEZI?
Thank you in advance,