BSP 2.8.7 Wifi Issues

Hey @henrique.tx !

Thanks for the idea regarding the workaround. I will discuss this with our product management.

Regarding the upgrade to a new BSP: we would be happy to try out a new version, if there is a suitable update solution for us, on how to remotely update the linux image of a device.

As far as I can recall, the “Legacy update tool” was removed starting with BSP 3. I even asked a question regarding this: Roadmap BSP 3.0
The answer back then was to stick with the old BSP 2.*.

So if there is a solution for that, we are happy to upgrade.

Our current workflow looks like this:

  • we prepare the whole image including the execution of the on our build server
  • we pack the output of the script and upload it onto our release server
  • update packages are downloaded onto the device and are extracted to the inbuilt sd card
  • we set the bootcmd to run setupdate && run update (we have adapted the command in the flash_blk.scr to reset the uboot env after the update)

Is there any suitable solution in the new BSP?

BR Christian