AM62 Q 1GB WB IT V1.0A
Mallow Board V1.1A
TorizonCore 6.7.0 Build 23
I just installed TorizonCore 6.7 onto an AM62 Q 1GB WB IT V1.0A using a Mallow Board V1.1A. I am following the quick start guide and the next steps are to get the wifi setup.
When I searched on the forums here, I found this thread that seems to be talking about the same issues I am currently having, however they noted that the problem should have been fixed months ago. Verdin AM62 WiFi not working
I checked my devices and no mlan0 is available as I would expect to see based on my experiences with the Colibri modules.
torizon@verdin-am62-15036754:~$ nmcli device status
ethernet0 ethernet connected network0
ethernet1 ethernet unavailable --
docker0 bridge unmanaged --
can0 can unmanaged --
can1 can unmanaged --
sit0 iptunnel unmanaged --
lo loopback unmanaged --
Here is the output from tdx-info
Software summary
Bootloader: U-Boot
Kernel version: 6.1.80-6.7.0-devel+git.603f75dc931d #1-TorizonCore SMP PREEMPT Fri Apr 26 07:54:36 UTC 2024
Kernel command line: root=LABEL=otaroot rootfstype=ext4 quiet logo.nologo vt.global_cursor_default=0 plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles splash fbcon=map:3 ostree=/ostree/boot.1/torizon/f12b299cf5c78026e2ee14ccad3a43f8109ba882fb106d75d7e9ea31cb0c83bd/0
Distro name: NAME="TorizonCore"
Distro version: VERSION_ID=6.7.0-devel-202405-build.23
Distro variant: VARIANT="Docker"
Hostname: verdin-am62-15036754
Hardware info
HW model: Toradex Verdin AM62 WB on Verdin Development Board
Toradex version: 0069 V1.0A
Serial number: 15036754
Processor arch: aarch64
In the thread I mentioned above, Drew from Toradex asked for the output of grep dmesg | grep wifi. Mine shows the similar results as they saw in that post.
My results show mrvl/sdiouart8997 instead of mrvl/sdiouartiw416 though.
torizon@verdin-am62-15036754:~$ sudo dmesg | grep wifi
[ 5.886405] mwifiex_sdio mmc2:0001:1: Direct firmware load for mrvl/sdiouart8997_combo_v4.bin failed with error -2
[ 5.886463] mwifiex_sdio mmc2:0001:1: Failed to get firmware mrvl/sdiouart8997_combo_v4.bin
[ 5.886471] mwifiex_sdio mmc2:0001:1: info: _mwifiex_fw_dpc: unregister device
To add to this, it appears as though I have the Azurewave AW-CM276NF BT/Wifi module, instead of the U-BLOX MAYA-W160-00B that would be expected on the new V1.1 AM62 boards. Is it possible that 6.7 of TorizonCore does not come with the needed firmware for my wifi module given that it is not on the production boards now?
Given that the Toradex team fixed the issue in build 6.6 of Torizon, I am suspecting an issue with my hardware. Were there any known issues with Wifi on the early version of the AM62 boards?
What other steps can I take to try to diagnose and fix this problem?