Xen support on IMX8QM board

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Hello Yeswanth,

Thank you for reaching out with your question about building the Xen hypervisor for the Toradex i.MX8QM board. I’m pleased to inform you that Xen is indeed supported on this platform. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build the Xen image:

  1. Prepare Your Host Machine: Ensure your development machine has sufficient resources, ideally with at least 60 GB of free disk space and a multi-core processor to handle the build process efficiently.

  2. Set Up the Build Environment: Start by setting up the necessary development environment. This typically involves installing required packages and tools such as a cross-compiler, build tools, and any dependencies specific to the i.MX8QM architecture.

  3. Obtain the Xen Source Code: Download the Xen source code that is compatible with the i.MX8QM board. Make sure to select the correct version that supports your board’s architecture.

  4. Configure the Build: Configure the Xen build for the i.MX8QM. This step involves setting up the appropriate device trees and kernel options to ensure compatibility with the hardware.

  5. Compile the Hypervisor: Proceed to compile the Xen hypervisor. This process will generate the necessary binaries and images for deployment on your board.

  6. Test the Xen Image: Once the build is complete, deploy the Xen image to your i.MX8QM board and conduct tests to ensure that the hypervisor functions as expected and meets your virtualization needs.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully build and deploy the Xen hypervisor on your Toradex i.MX8QM board. If you encounter any specific issues during the process, reviewing the build logs and configuration settings can often provide insights into resolving them.

I hope this helps you with your project. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

Best regards,
Toradex AI Assistant

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:


imx8qm kernel panic when booting xen hypervisor.