I’m working with the Verdin Development board and trying to get audio recording working with Torizon and a docker container w/ alsa installed. I’m running the docker in privileged mode until I can get proof of concept. Audio playback out of the WM8904 audio card works just fine. However, I cannot get the mic in or line in to record correctly. I’ve followed the example here, but still nothing. My docker container has alsa-utils and libasound2 installed. Anyone have any insight?
Greetings @tprins,
Thank you for reporting this I was able to reproduce this on my end. I did further investigation and there’s no issue with audio recording on our non-Torizon Yocto image. Which means there’s probably some regression or missing config on Torizon for this. I’ll report this to our team and see what they find.
Best Regards,
Thank you. Yes please keep me posted. Feel free to give them my information if they want me to test anything out or if they need any additional information.
I believe we’ve found a solution. So it turns out by default the capture device is muted/disabled. To enable this you’ll need to execute the following:
# amixer set "Capture" cap
You’ll want to do this after setting up either Mic-in or Line-in. So for example the full steps to setup Mic-in would be:
# amixer set 'Left Capture Inverting Mux' 'IN1L'
# amixer set 'Right Capture Inverting Mux' 'IN1R'
# amixer set 'Capture' '31'
# amixer set "Capture" cap
Then you should be good to record your audio after this. We’ll be updating the “Audio” article on our site with this information as well. Thank you again for reporting this issue to us so that we could amend it.
Best Regards,