Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication missing support


I’m evaluating the Toradex Windows IoT kit. I consider Windows IoT a really interesting technology and I would like to be able to use it in the product my company is developing, using the current Toradex hardware.
Unfortunately I found that the class Windows.Devices.SerialCommunicationis is still unsupported and this is blocking my evaluation.

Do you have any plan to support the class Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication?
This is a very simple way of communication between devices in the embedded world. I’m quite surprise is still unsupported.

Thank you and keep it going!

Thanks for contacting us! We also believe Win IoT Core would bring some good advantages on embedded ARM systems. We currently don’t have any roadmap for updates for our Win IoT Core image on Colibri T30. Please also have a look at the community question and the answer linked below for some more details: