Hello, I have a problem access the system tray icon under wince 7 in c++.
I have this code:
HWND hTaskBarWnd = ::FindWindow(_T("HHTaskBar"), NULL);
hTaskBarWnd = ::FindWindow(_T("Shell_TrayWnd"), NULL);
::EnumChildWindows(hTaskBarWnd,Enumerator, NULL);
In the first “if” I recover the handle of “HHTaskBar” without problems.
in the second "if " with “Shell_TrayWnd”, I have always the result of NULL.
In addiction using Wince remote spy, I have see a classname called “HHTaskBarTray”.
I have try the second if with this classname but always the result of the handle is NULL.
Can you help me understand what is the correct classname to use?
Thank you