Wifi, Bluetooth Error

Hi. I’m using Iris carrier board and iMX6ULL WB IT. I tried to enable the wifi and bluetooth but I got an error. I couldn’t use UART, so I’ll attach the pircture. I already checked your community and there is a same issue. So I’ll give whole information about my board.

Carrier board : Iris V1.1B

SOM : Colibri iMX6ULL 512MB WF IT V1.1A

Using Image : Toradex Embeded Linux Console Demo(Stable)
2.8b6.184 (2019-04-01)

The following is the same issue.

issue; root@colibri-imx6ull:~# connmanctl enable wifi
Error wifi: Method “SetProperty” with signature “sv” on interface “net.connman.Technology” doesn’t exist

alt text

  1. boot log.
    I can’t use the UART, so I can’t give you my log.

  2. cat /proc/device-tree/toradex,product-id

    alt text

    cat /proc/device-tree/serial-number

    alt text

  3. lsmod and cat /sys/kernel/debug/mmc*/ios

alt text

alt text

Best regards,


HI @HansKim72

Thanks for writing to the Toradex Community!

Could you share the dmesg log in a file ( dmesg > dmesg.txt )?

Thanks and best regards,

link text

Please find attached.

Hi Jaski,
Did you check my file?

Hi Yes, I checked you file.
There is issue in the Firmware Downloading Process for the Wifi Chip. Have you done any changes to the file in the rootfs?

Could you do md5sum of the following files and send us the output? Thanks.

md5sum /lib/firmware/sd*
md5sum /lib/firmware/mrvl/sd*

Hi. I didn’t change anything. So far, I don’t have the skill to change.
Please refer to the followings.

root@colibri-imx6ull:~# md5sum /lib/firmware/sd*
0d2803973e444edcf304486c6d050eed  /lib/firmware/sd8686.bin
2a4d8f4df198ce949c350df5674f4ac6  /lib/firmware/sd8686_helper.bin

root@colibri-imx6ull:~# md5sum /lib/firmware/mrvl/sd*
7233401e9687f8c880da547beed4324e  /lib/firmware/mrvl/sd8688.bin
43bbe1c1f003e50f2cb0daccedadbf8f  /lib/firmware/mrvl/sd8688_helper.bin
62f2c1f3991169d901d55aea949bf801  /lib/firmware/mrvl/sd8787_uapsta.bin
d5ada57956aa44e2c739b2c3444dc467  /lib/firmware/mrvl/sd8797_uapsta.bin
dd7e89898e155de779740ae1c41eded8  /lib/firmware/mrvl/sd8887_uapsta.bin
ec734dae30619f2697459f755358255c  /lib/firmware/mrvl/sd8997_uapsta.bin

Hi, You mentioned that you cant use the UART. Why?
Can you sent a picture how you connected to the Board via UART?
Do you use the cables provided in the Toradex connection kit?
If you just use a gender changer between the the grey flatwire cable and the RS-232 to USB converter it will not work!! You need a NULL-modem cable between.

Best Regards,

Hi @HansKim72

Thanks for the Information you provided to us.

Nevertheless, I think, this module is damaged. We are sorry that you experience this issue.
You may fill up the RMA and mention the link to this question.

Thanks and best regards,