Where can i change Clock setting in u-boot

hello experts ( i am not good at english so i can’t describe details )
i designed a board with colibri imx6
i have a problem in EMI testing
to test and solve the EMI problem i like to change DDR and ARM Clock
but i have no idea where these settting are set in u-boot

thank in advnace

hi @hyoungki and Welome to the Toradex Community!

Could you provide the version of the Hardware and Software of your module?

i designed a board with colibri imx6 i have a problem in EMI testing

What exactly is the Problem? Which interfaces are you using on your custom carrier board?

Best regards,

i bought colibri iMx6ULL 512MB IT V1.1A through my agent
and downloaded the latest image from web

my carrier board has two ethernet and usb, serial , usb is connected to LTE modem

and EMI test failed , it emitted slightly over not too much,
a hardware engineer asked me to reduce DDR clk speed

thank you

Hi @hyoungki

Thanks for the Information.

and EMI test failed , it emitted slightly over not too much,

Could you tell us, which frequency value did you see during the tests?

my carrier board has two ethernet and usb, serial , usb is connected to LTE modem

Did you follow well the design guidelines for the carrier board?

a hardware engineer asked me to reduce DDR clk speed

I am sure that reducing DDR clock will not help you.

In the past, we have seen some customers with issues regarding EMI created by Ethernet or parallel Display. In general, you should check also if there is no antenna affect created by the cables, thus you should use proper cabling with shielding if needed.

Best regards,