What is the FLASH memory maximum write cycles for Colibri T20 256 MB?

We use a Colibri T20 256MB running WinCE 7. An alarm log file is stored in the internal FLASH memory and this file can potentially be deleted and recreated periodically by the user.
We would like to know how many erase/write cycles the FLASH memory can support.
Additionally, it would be interesting to know if any strategy to extend the memory life is implemented by the FLASH driver or by the file system.
Can anyone answer these 2 questions?
Thank you.

The Colibri T20s have a Single Level Cell (SLC) NAND flash. They support around 100K erase cycles. Our flash driver does wear leveling and of course bad block management.

We recently published a blog article about this topic. You should find further information there. Please let me know if you need some more information.

Thank you.
Nice article in the blog.