Weston version issue with VNC

I am using imx6ull Aster Carrier Board with TDX Wayland with XWayland Upstream 6.7.0-devel-20240710125113+build.0 (kirkstone) Colibri-iMX6ULL-eMMC_Reference-Multimedia-Image-upstream tdx-reference-multimedia-image (OS)

I want to know VNC supported in weston 10 version?
if yes then provide me steps how can i use it.
if no, then tell me which weston version i have to use and how can i update to that version and provide me steps to use vnc in that version
i tried using x11vnc and in that After so many explorations. I am able to display screen on the host but it displays only root terminal and i am unable to access it. i want full operations like anydesk. please help

$ x11vnc -storepasswd root /home/root/passfile
$ x11vnc -rfbauth /home/root/passfile -rawfb /dev/fb0

wayvnc and waypipe is not present in my yocto source provide me steps to add if this is the only way

Hi @Prial ,

Our Toradex Easy Installer already includes VNC server.
Please check at meta-toradex-tezi for reference.

hello @sahil.tx
i don’t want to use torizon os i want to use yocto source only guide me accordingly.

Hi @Prial ,
Please re-read my last reply. its not Torizon, it 's Toradex easy Installer and you just have to take reference from it and implement on your image

Hello @sahil.tx,
Ok i got what you said and i tried but unable to use VNC.
Please can you tell me is it possible to interface VNC in imx6ull Aster Carrier Board with TDX Wayland with XWayland Upstream 6.7.0-devel-20240710125113+build.0 (kirkstone) Colibri-iMX6ULL-eMMC_Reference-Multimedia-Image-upstream tdx-reference-multimedia-image (OS) (Weston - 10.0.2) if yes then please guide me. I am new bie with yocto and linux and aster carrier board

Hi @Prial,
Yes it is possible.
Can you test the guide given here. You can also try adding the layer given in the article to your image

Hello @sahil.tx ,
that guide is for weston 12 but my source have weston 10 and in weston 10 these steps are not working, i already tried these

@sahil.tx please reply

Hi @Prial ,

The link shared is for reference purpose, you need to take help from these guides and implement at your end. It may require some modification which you need to add.

@sahil.tx i tried this with modifications for weston 10 but it is not working

@sahil.tx ,
Thank you for the time.This issue is resolved.

Hi @Prial ,
I appreciate your efforts in resolving the issue.
You can also update the steps here so that other can take reference if they are stuck in the same issue

@sahil.tx i used rdp instead of VNC