WEC7 1.4b2 Internet Explorer

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Yes, it is imx6Q 2GB IT.

Can you try with this file:
just checking if something went wrong in the upload.
I tested with rev.1.1A, you have 1.1C.
Unfortunately, I am working remotely ATM, I’ll be able to test with the same HW release on wed.

Hello Valter,

I have downloaded https://share.toradex.com/zd90vw8gxe8r7nj and done a binary compare with the other file. They are the same so I do not think that it makes sense to do the test again.

I will have to wait til Wednesday.

Kind regards

Can you provide me the registry settings you change to configure your display?
I used display tool to set 1080p for the tests, but it may be that some differences in configuration trigger a different behavior.

Hello Valter,

please find attached link text file that contains the modifications I did after installing your image and clearing the registry.

I was able to reproduce the issue, seems to happen only on that specific HW revision, I am investigating it, will update you as soon as I have news.

Here’s a new version of bootloader that works on the 1.1C modules I tested here:

Hello Valter,

booloader https://share.toradex.com/heculpgs3hd0etb seems to work.

First I installed your image https://share.toradex.com/8j1oramsea8zken, cleared registry in bootlaoder, applied my registry settings to get HDMI-Fullhd and started blttest.exe (800x600). I still got times of around 40ms. Internetexplorer did work,

I rebooted, cleared again registry in bootloader. I started VNC server, modifed blttest to 600*400 and started it. The times were still nearly 40ms. I started internetexplorer and after some navigation I got attached gc2d_hung.

I also attach boot messages.

Have you tested your image with blttest.exe on HW revision 1.1C ?

Kind regards
link text

Just to clarify: the gc2d hung error is not really a problem for me because it seems that this error does not happen in FullHD mode.

My problem is still long times for BitBLT/TransparentBlt.

I tested, but (I am sorry for that) made a mistake.
I left BPP at 32. Setting BPP to 16 (as in your configuration) decreases performance.
This can be explained by the fact that acessing a pixel in memory requires a read-modify-write cycle (2 pixels in the base 32bit unit) while accessing it in 32 bit mode may require just a single write.
I suggest that you leave BPP at 32. You can configure LDDS at 16 or 24 (that would improve output on some HDMI displays).

Hello Valter,

yes, indeed BPP 32 seems to be four times faster than BPP16 !

Now also my image shows good behaviour and I am happy.Thank you for your help.

Kind regards