VSCode template for C application using Yocto SDK?

Hello Toradex Team,

Do you have some nice instructions (like you have for torizon) which use Yocto Reference Image SDK in VSCode?

Simple build, deploy and debug json files would be beneficial.


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I’m sorry, but the provided context does not include specific instructions for using the Yocto Reference Image SDK with Visual Studio Code (VSCode). The context mainly covers building images and SDKs using Yocto, as well as some IDE configurations for Eclipse and Qt Creator. For detailed instructions on setting up VSCode with the Yocto SDK, you might need to refer to additional resources or documentation specific to VSCode integration with Yocto.

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

Src and dev *.ipk packages.

Hi @Fide,

as far as I understand the official Yocto Extension has support to detect and use Yocto’s eSDK Yocto Project BitBake - Visual Studio Marketplace.


(Not a Toradex employee)

Sounds like you’re looking for build/deploy configurations for C/C++ applications, not for yocto metadata itself.

This is not a toradex-specific pointer, but the core meta-openembedded now includes the “devtool ide-sdk” command plugin which can generate a c/c++ development configuration for CMake/Meson projects.


(note this isn’t for using an exported SDK, it assumes that this occurs on a machine where the Yocto image has already been built.)

Otherwise, prior to this, I’ve often referenced this Varicite page for setting up VSCode to use an exported traditional SDK:

Hi @leon.tx ,

I had tried this plugin before with Toradex BSP 5.7 but couldn’t get it to work. Yesterday, I found out from their GitHub page that the Dunfell version is not supported. It seems like we need Kirkstone or a newer version. I’ll try again with BSP 6.0.

On the other hand, the solution mentioned by @danny.kaehn, the one on the variscite page seems to be the most suitable for us because it is independent of the Yocto version and also doesn’t require full Yocto suite but just SDK.
