VS Code and set default

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Based on the context provided, it seems like you are experiencing issues with setting a new System on Module (SoM) as the default device in Visual Studio Code using the Torizon IDE Extension. The problem appears to be related to the “Checking host IP sanity” step, which can cause VS Code to become unresponsive.

Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try based on the context:

  1. Network Configuration: Ensure that your network configuration allows for proper communication between your development machine and the SoM. This includes checking that the necessary ports are open and accessible.

  2. Manual Device Addition: If the device is not being detected automatically, try manually adding the device by clicking the “+” icon and inputting the device’s IP address.

  3. Check Internal Logs: Use the VS Code command palette to open the Developer Tools and check the Console tab for any error messages or logs that might provide more insight into the issue.

  4. SSH Access: Since you mentioned that sometimes entering with SSH helps, ensure that SSH is properly configured and that there are no intermittent network issues affecting SSH connectivity.

  5. Default Device Configuration: Make sure that the settings.json file is correctly configured for the default device. This file is used by the extension to perform various tasks, and any misconfiguration could lead to issues.

  6. Docker Context: Verify that the Docker context is correctly set to the default device by checking the DOCKER_HOST environment variable in the Docker’s view within VS Code.

If these steps do not resolve the issue, it might be necessary to further investigate the specific network and system configurations or consult additional resources or support from Toradex.

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

VS Code Toradex Torizon Support Extension & Network Connectivity.