Visual studio code - User is not enabled to execute commands as root


In Visual Studio Code when i try to connect to a new device this appears:

[01-16 22:35:00.308] User is not enabled to execute commands as root.
[01-16 22:35:00.309] Error (524) - User root is not enabled to execute commands as root.

Does anyone know how to solve this?


Hi @lfrs !

Can you please share the logs from the extension?

Best regards,

Hi @henrique.tx,

There it is:


Session contents restored from 17/02/2022 at 14:50:36

Serving on http://kubernetes.docker.internal:5000
INFO:root:REST → /api/version
INFO:root:REST ← /api/version - 200
INFO:root:REST → /api/version/docker
INFO:root:REST ← /api/version/docker - 200
INFO:root:REST → /api/devices
INFO:root:REST → /api/setup/enableemulation
INFO:root:REST ← /api/devices - 200
INFO:root:REST ← /api/setup/enableemulation - 200
INFO:root:REST → /api/eulas
INFO:root:REST ← /api/eulas - 200
INFO:root:REST → /api/devices/network_detect
INFO:root:DETECT - Trying to detect device
WARNING:root:DETECT - Login successful.
INFO:root:DETECT - Toradex device id 06900755
INFO:root:DETECT - colibri-imx6ull detected :: Model 0036
ERROR:root:Error: 524 User is not enabled to execute commands as root. User root is not enabled to execute commands as root.
INFO:root:REST ← /api/devices/network_detect - 524


[01-17 14:50:43.772] Initializing Torizon Extension
[01-17 14:50:43.779] Checking system setup…
[01-17 14:50:48.401] Checking Moses …
[01-17 14:50:48.401] Starting backend local instance running on port 5000
[01-17 14:51:04.415] Torizon Backend version 1.0 API version: 1.0
[01-17 14:51:04.416] Torizon IDE backend started
[01-17 14:51:04.418] Checking Docker …
[01-17 14:51:04.760] Docker version 20.10.12 build 459d0df
[01-17 14:51:05.240] No devices registered
[01-17 14:51:07.192] ARM emulation enabled.
[01-17 14:51:07.214] Torizon: no application loaded.
[01-17 14:51:07.236] LA_OPT_NXP_Software_License v5 January 2019 EULA accepted
[01-17 14:51:33.050] User is not enabled to execute commands as root.
[01-17 14:51:33.050] Error (524) - User root is not enabled to execute commands as root.

Best Regards,

Hi @lfrs !

Your module must have TorizonCore installed to use the VS Code extension for Torizon.

Also, TorizonCore doesn’t support Colibri iMX6ULL.

Best regards,

EDIT on 17/08/2023: Colibri iMX6ULL 1Gb eMMC supports TorizonCore.

We were told during one of your elevate sessions by one of your engineers that we only needed to have ssl and docker installed to make the VS Code for Torizon work

Hi @bertin !

This thread is more than 1 year old.

If you are facing any issues, please create a new thread :slight_smile:

Best regards,