VF50 1.2B recovery problems

Dear Toradex

We are starting getting version 1.2B of the Colibri VF50 module into the productionline.
We do use a farely old image (Pre v1.2B) version so we need to update to the latest to support the 1.2B hardware version.

This seems to be more difficult than Im used to,

Some of the v1.2B modules are bricked because they tried the old image on them. SO I try to recovery them, but I can not succed.I follow the guide that is on Toradex website.

But when I power on again, the module to not boot. No display out, no output from the bootloader over serial.
I use the Evalauation board 3.2 for the task.

Load bootloader:

C:\Users\dksgdtjo\Desktop\vybrid_winceimage_1.7-20200501\Recovery>imx_uart.exe COM4: .\vybrid_eboot.conf
config file <.\vybrid_eboot.conf>
parse .\vybrid_eboot.conf
starting associating phase
association phase succeeded, response was 0x23454523
HAB security state: development mode (0x56787856)
== work item
filename eboot.imx
load_size 0 bytes
load_addr 0x13f00000
dcd 0
clear_dcd 0
plug 0
jump_mode 2
jump_addr 0x00000000
== end work item

loading binary file(eboot.imx) to 3f400400, skip=0, fsize=3fc00 type=aa

<<<261120, 261120 bytes>>>
succeeded (status 0x88888888)
jumping to 0x3f400400

Flash the bootloader, image and config block

Press [SPACE] to enter boot console.
Press [SPACE] to enter boot console.
Press [SPACE] to enter boot console.
Toradex Bootloader 1.7 for Vybrid Built May  1 2020
FCB is not valid!
FCB sector is not empty, restore failed!
Boot console, use the "exit" command to return to boot menu.

Bootloader image size: 262144 bytes.

Loading done.
Flashing bootloader.
Writing 128 sector(s) of bootloader code from sector 64.

Erasing block 1
Erasing block 2
Flashing completed.


>flashimage nk6.bin
1 partitions on SD card.
File is an uncompressed bin file.
Image base address 80004000 - size: 19145080 bytes.
Loading done.
Image contains a splash screen.
Writing image size: 24928
Writing image to FLASH: ImageLen: 24932
saving config 512
Finding bootargs block...
Writing 5 sector(s) of bootargs data from sector 320.

Writing image to FLASH: ImageLen: 19145084
saving config 512
Finding bootargs block...
Writing 5 sector(s) of bootargs data from sector 320.

Flashing completed.

>eraseflash filesystem
Are you sure you want to erase flash(0x4020000-0x7FFFFFF)?y
Are you sure you want to erase flash(0x4020000-0x3FE0000)?Erasing 511 flash blocks from 513.
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... done.
set boot
boot.delay:             30      (User key press delay)
boot.gpio:              0       (Boot/Download select gpio)
boot.sel:               0       (0=Use Serial 1=Use gpio for boot/download select)
boot.dl:                0       (Download IMAGE by default action when sel=0)
boot.silent:            0       (In silent mode bootloader does not output anything)
boot.dltype:            0       (Download via: 0=Ethernet,1=USBC,2=SDCard)
boot.gpiopolinv:        0       (Boot/Download gpio polarity inversion)
boot.imgcrcenable:      0       (Calculate Image CRC and perform failure action)
boot.dlonerror:         0       (Start download if launching the image failed.)
boot.res:               0       (res)
boot.breakchar1:        0x20    (1st Char used to enter Bootloader Menu)
boot.breakchar2:        0x00    (2nd Char used to enter Bootloader Menu)
boot.breakchar3:        0x00    (3rd Char used to enter Bootloader Menu)
boot.breakchar4:        0x00    (4th Char used to enter Bootloader Menu)
boot.imgcrcaction:      0       (On CRC error: 0:Warn/Boot 1:Halt 2:Try next)

When I power off and on nothing happen.

What did I miss??

Does the VF50 v1.2B shipped with CE6? I need to get them back to stock state, so I can test the production software for loading the correct image and settings.


Hi, I missed that part.

Did the trick


Also, update your FCB and factory information