I’ve been trying to flash Verdin iMX8MP eMMC using the Yocto generated Reference Minimal Image from Toradex tutorial. When testing booting from SDcard I noticed that initial booting device was always eMMC with Toradex’s Tezi U-Boot. So I tried to flash my own bootloader in the eMMC using plain UUU and the generated wic Image. After that the SoM just didnt boot anymore, so I tried ussing other approaches like Flashing my own uboot and wic (w/ rootfs etc.) image to eMMC on Verdin IMX8MPlus with UUU - #2 by mbessler and still no boot.
After a lot of attempts I decide to Flash a New Image Using Toradex Easy Installer using Toradex Pre-built images. I tried installing the Torizon OS 6 and BSP 6 Downstream Linux Reference Minimal through Toradex installer and the SoC booted but i’m getting the following message:
U-Boot SPL 2022.04-6.7.0+git.7588eb559ca2 (May 28 2024 - 11:19:14 +0000)
DDRINFO: start DRAM init
DDRINFO:ddrphy calibration done
DDRINFO: ddrmix config done
DDR configured as dual rank
SEC0: RNG instantiated
Normal Boot
WDT: Started watchdog@30280000 with servicing (60s timeout)
Trying to boot from BOOTROM
Boot Stage: Primary boot
Can’t found uboot image in 640K range
SPL: failed to boot from all boot devices
ERROR ### Please RESET the board
I dont know what else to do so if someone know how to properly flash Verdin iMX8MP SoM using UUU would be very appreciated as we are thinking of the further industrialization process so uuu has bee always our approach on iMX SoM developments.
Hi, I’m the Toradex AI Assistant. The Toradex Support team will follow up with you shortly!
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It sounds like you’re encountering issues with the boot process on the Verdin iMX8M Plus SoM after attempting to flash your own bootloader and image using UUU. Here are some steps and considerations to help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue:
Verify U-Boot Configuration:
Ensure that the U-Boot configuration in your Yocto build is correctly set up for the Verdin iMX8M Plus. The device tree and configuration files should match the hardware specifications of the SoM.
Check Boot Device Order:
The boot order might be causing the issue. Ensure that the boot order in U-Boot is set to prioritize the eMMC if that’s where you want to boot from. You can modify the boot order in the U-Boot environment variables.
Use Toradex Easy Installer:
Since you were able to boot using the Toradex Easy Installer, it indicates that the hardware is functioning correctly. Use the Easy Installer to flash a known good image (like Torizon or BSP 6) and then try to boot from it. This can help you verify that the eMMC is working correctly.
Flashing with UUU:
When using UUU, ensure that you are using the correct UUU script and image files. The script should correctly partition the eMMC and flash the bootloader, kernel, and root filesystem.
Example UUU command:
sudo uuu -b emmc your_image.wic
Make sure the .wic image is correctly generated and contains all necessary partitions (bootloader, kernel, rootfs).
Check for Errors in U-Boot SPL:
The error message Can't found uboot image in 640K range suggests that the SPL is unable to find the U-Boot image. Ensure that the U-Boot image is correctly placed in the expected location on the eMMC.
Verify the partition layout and ensure that the U-Boot image is within the first 640K of the boot partition.
Rebuild U-Boot and Yocto Image:
If the issue persists, consider rebuilding U-Boot and the Yocto image from scratch. Ensure that all patches and configurations are correctly applied.
Follow the Toradex Yocto Project documentation to build the image: Toradex Yocto Project
Consult Toradex Support:
If you continue to face issues, consider reaching out to Toradex technical support. They can provide more specific guidance and help troubleshoot the problem.
By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue with flashing and booting the Verdin iMX8M Plus SoM using UUU.
Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:
Thanks for the suggestions but i’ve using default Toradex Yocto Reference Images without modifying anything and havent been able to run the generated images in the Verdin Module, literally following each tutorial step and even using Toradex easy installer tools but SPL doesn look to boot correctly with Minimal Image nor Torizon Image neither.
Prepared an SD Card with the following images to test: Verdin-iMX8MP_Reference-Minimal-Image-Tezi_6.7.0, Verdin-iMX8MP_Reference-Minimal-Image-Tezi_5.7.6 and torizon-core-docker-verdin-imx8mp-Tezi_6.7.0.
Enter the SoM in recovery mode and launched recovery-windows.bat from installer.
Loggedin over VNC and used the Torizon Easy Installer GUI to install the reference images.
I tested all of the images and none of them would let me boot past SPL showing the message from my post. I also have patched U-Boot (u-boot-toradex -b toradex_imx_lf_v2022.04) to debug the launch and placed my compiled imx-boot with the Reference Minimal Image but the result is the same.
Could you try TEZI (Toradex Easy Installer) version 6.7.0? TEZI 6.8.0 has not been released yet, so we recommend using the latest release.
Furthermore, can you try to install an image from our feeds instead of using an SD Card? In order to do it, you will need ethernet access (you could use an ethernet cable).
I have exactly the same problem while trying to install a custom Yocto build on the eMMC of an imx8mp-verdin, after flashing the image on the eMMC my custom build is not booting, one of the causes that I suspect is I put the flag BOOT_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT in eMMC parameters. So I disabled it back to the default, but even after that the board is not booting.
Therefore, I followed the steps to install Toradex Easy Installer everything went well, until the reboot, where I have the following error, which is also the same error I get on the custom build :
Can’t found uboot image in 640K range SPL: failed to boot from all boot devices
So is there a precise eMMC configuration that works with the imx8mp soc ?
My current configuration is :
8 bit data bus with double data rate, and a clock speed set to 25MHZ.
edit :
the OCOTP fuses of the board are as follow :
470[15:12] BOOT_MODE_FUSES=0010
470[28] BT_FUSE_SEL=1
0x490[1] USDHC_VOL_SEL=1 // For Normal Boot Mode IO Voltage = 1 : 1.8V
0x490[3:2] SD_SPEED 2 Speed mode SD_SPEED = 01 // High/SDR25
0x490[5:4] SDMMC_BUS_WIDTH = 10 // 8-bit DDR (MMC 4.4)
0x490[6] EMMC_FAST_BT 1 Fast boot support : 1 // Fast Boot
0x490[7] USDHC_PWR_EN 1 SD power cycle enable/eMMC reset enable = 1 // Enabled
As said before, could you try one of our reference images (see here)? And, please, be sure to use the latest release of Toradex Easy Installer.
You can get the reference image on Toradex Easy Installer. After the installation is completed, can you try to log in and see if everything is working?