The following issue is OK with the same iphone + torizon-core-docker-verdin-imx8mp-Tezi_5.6.0+build.13 + the same SOMs.
SOM : iMX8MP V1.1A + Dahlia V1.1 C
SOM : iMX8MP V1.1E + Dahlia V1.1 B also FAIL
Image : Toradex OS 7.2.0-devel-20250216+build.150 (2025-01-26)
wifi hotspot is up, but when I use my iphone to connect , the iPhone pops an error message “Unable to join the network”
Reproduce steps:
Use Easy Installer to Install Toradex OS 7.2.0-devel-20250216+build.150 (2025-01-26)
For some reason, OS 7.2.0 disabled the uap0 by default. Remove that config file:
sudo rm -rf /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/99-disable-uap.conf
Use the following steps to bring up the wifi hotspot
(OK in torizon-core-docker-verdin-imx8mp-Tezi_5.6.0+build.13 with the same hardware above, iMX8MP V1.1A + Dahlia V1.1 C)
nmcli con add type wifi ifname uap0 mode ap con-name AP_FOR_EXT ssid MYWIFISSID
nmcli con modify AP_FOR_EXT 802-11-wireless-security.key-mgmt wpa-psk
nmcli con modify AP_FOR_EXT 802-11-wireless-security.proto rsn
nmcli con modify AP_FOR_EXT ccmp
nmcli con modify AP_FOR_EXT 802-11-wireless-security.pairwise ccmp
nmcli con modify AP_FOR_EXT 802-11-wireless-security.psk MYPASSWORD
nmcli con modify AP_FOR_EXT ipv4.addresses
nmcli con modify AP_FOR_EXT ipv4.method manual
nmcli con up AP_FOR_EXT
Use an iPhone to connect to the wifi hotspot “MYWIFISSID” with password “MYPASSWORD”
Hi, I’m the Toradex AI Assistant. The Toradex Support team will follow up with you shortly!
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I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties you’re experiencing with connecting your iPhone to the Wi-Fi access point on your Verdin iMX8M Plus module. Let’s go through some steps to troubleshoot this issue:
Verify Configuration Settings:
Double-check the SSID and password you configured using nmcli to ensure they match what you are entering on your iPhone.
Confirm that the uap0 interface is correctly configured and active. You can verify this by running nmcli device status to see if uap0 is listed and active.
Check NetworkManager Configuration:
After removing the 99-disable-uap.conf file, ensure no other configuration files are interfering with the uap0 interface.
Restart the NetworkManager service with sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager after making changes to ensure they take effect.
Compatibility and Security Settings:
Ensure the security settings (WPA-PSK, RSN, CCMP) are supported by your iPhone. Some devices may have issues with certain security protocols.
Consider simplifying the security settings temporarily to see if the iPhone can connect, then gradually reintroduce security features.
Software and Firmware Updates:
Make sure your Torizon OS and any related firmware are up to date, as updates can resolve connectivity issues by fixing known bugs.
Logs and Diagnostics:
Check the system logs for any error messages related to the Wi-Fi setup. Use journalctl -u NetworkManager to view logs that might provide more insight into the issue.
Test with Other Devices:
Try connecting a different device to the access point to determine if the issue is specific to the iPhone.
By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue preventing your iPhone from connecting to the Wi-Fi access point. If the problem persists, further investigation into the specific configurations and logs may be necessary.
Best regards,
Toradex AI Assistant
Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:
With Torizon OS 7.X we saw some issues/difficulties with setting up Wi-Fi access points/hotspots using NetworkManager. We actually have documented a different method for setting up an access point/hotspot that does not use NetworkManager. This alternative process is documented here: Networking with Torizon OS | Toradex Developer Center
Could you give this a try and let us know how it works out for you.
Thanks, the “Toradex OS 7.2 + hostapd” works partially as mentioned in the document you provided:
[OK] Connected by an iPhone
[OK] Connected by a Windows PC, and then upload files from PC to Toradex
[FAIL] Connected by two Windows PCs, and then upload files from one PC to another PC
In the beginning the speed was OK. However after 8 mins the progress stalled, and after 20 mins the Toradex 7.2 crashed, the two Windows PC cannot connect to the Toradex anymore.
In Toradex, dmesg has the following error messages
Good to see the documented process is working better. As for the case that isn’t working, I have some questions.
First of all, when you say “Toradex 7.2 crashed”, do you mean the actual Linux operating system crashed fully? Or just the WiFi subsystem crashed?
During the “crash” was the dmesg logs you shared what you saw during the crash?
As for the procedure itself was it PC A sends files to PC B using the Toradex device as a middle-man? How exactly did you send these files, ssh?
Looking at the logs, these seem to be coming from the WiFi driver itself. I’ll need to look into these messages to understand if there’s any specific issue they denote.
I see, thank you for clarifying. We’ll need some time to discuss this issue internally. As I said earlier, based on your logs the issue appears to be coming from the driver level. The WiFi driver int his case is not directly maintained by Toradex so it may take some time to examine and understand what might be going on here.
Initial investigations suggest that based on the logs you obtained that the access point is not able to keep up with the amount/speed of the data being transferred. Just to clarify, did this exact same use-case work in back in 5.X?
A colleague of mine also noted that using the access point as a middle-man like this could be somewhat taxing looking at how the driver operates. This could explain the theory that the access point was overwhelmed.