my first question is which of these 2 is correct or am i missing something.
the seconds question is how can i see the link between the UART identifier in the designer tool and the reference manual.
in the designer tool the UARTs go from 1 to 9 and MCU uart and WKUP uart and in the reference manual they go from UART0 to UART6 and MCU_UART and WKUP_UART.
(reference manual table 2-5).
Hi, I’m the Toradex AI Assistant. The Toradex Support team will follow up with you shortly!
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Based on the context provided, it seems there is a discrepancy between the number of UARTs listed in the IO pin control designer tool and the datasheet/reference manual for the Verdin AM62 Solo 512MB module. The designer tool shows 11 UART options, while the datasheet indicates 9 UARTs.
Discrepancy in UART Count: The difference in the number of UARTs could be due to the way the designer tool and the datasheet/reference manual categorize or list the UARTs. The designer tool might be including additional UART interfaces or configurations that are not explicitly listed in the datasheet. It’s also possible that the tool includes virtual or software-configurable UARTs that are not physically separate interfaces.
Linking UART Identifiers: To understand the linkage between the UART identifiers in the designer tool and the reference manual, you would typically need to refer to the documentation or support resources provided by Toradex. The identifiers in the designer tool (e.g., UART1 to UART9, MCU_UART, WKUP_UART) might correspond to specific hardware or software configurations that are detailed in the reference manual. The reference manual’s identifiers (e.g., UART0 to UART6, MCU_UART, WKUP_UART) are likely the hardware designations.
To resolve these discrepancies and understand the linkage, you may need to:
Consult the Toradex support or community forums for clarification on the UART configurations.
Check if there are any updates or errata for the IO pin control designer tool or the datasheet that address this issue.
Look for any additional documentation or notes in the designer tool that explain the mapping of UART identifiers to the hardware.
If the context provided does not fully address your questions, reaching out to Toradex support directly would be a good next step.
Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:
It does not necessarily have the same name, but if you open the dropdown, you’ll see that the right pin name is written:
It is important to mention that you may not be able to use all the UARTs simultaneously, some can be part of the same pin (with alternated functions), but you do have all these possibilities.
The Reference Manual is a good starting point, but, as said before, some of the UARTs could be from alternated functions and specific to Verdin AM62, so they won’t be listed in the RM.