USB with no power supply on i.MXT7 mouted on ASTER carrier board!

Hi every one,
i have an issue with a COLIBRI I.MX7s CPU plugged on a ASTER evaluation board !
There is no power supply (5 V) on the USB connector plugged to a standard keyboard !
The signal USB_P_EN# sent to the USB POWER Driver IC7 (TPS2042BD) has wrong level !
Even with a software EASY INSTALLER loaded in RAM from a SD CARD I don’t have power “VCC_USB1” !
Uploading: image.png…

Is everyone can help me ?


Thank you for contacting us and explaining your situation. It seems like you were trying to upload an image to your message, correct? It seems like I can not access/view said image. Would you be able to reupload the image?

Best regards,

Hello @BRICHE_F,

May I know what type of power supply you are using? Do you have a power brick with 5V supply connected to the X2 barrel connector of the board? Or are you powering it through the micro USB connector X4 on the board? If you are powering it through the X4 USB connector, could you please confirm that the JP1 jumper is in open configuration?
Also, are there any other peripheral devices (for example, a display) connected to the board? If yes, what device?

I am asking all this because I have tested this on my side and I could not reproduce the issue. I had power on the USB connector and got my USB mouse and keyboard working in Toradex Easy Installer GUI.

I tried powering the board through both the X2 connector (used a 5V, 2.5A power brick in this case) and through X4 micro USB connector.

Please note that if you have some peripheral devices connected and you are powering the board through the X4 connector, the processor might not boot up successfully since the peripheral devices consume more power. If that’s the case, what you are seeing is expected.