Hi all.
I use an Apalis T30 board && Qt5 && OpenGL features with the Linux 2.6 beta 2 image.
But, seems that NVIDIA drivers has a bugs (with the random textures artefacts flickering in EGLFS mode).
So, now I have an idea to update the drivers. e.g. I want to install this NVIDIA drivers: Index of /XFree86/Linux-32bit-ARM/367.35
I have installed the “build-essentials” and “linux-kernel-headers” packages:
opkg install packagegroup-core-buildessential
opkg install linux-libc-headers-dev
But when I try to launch the driver’s installer package:
it says that Linux sources/headers are not installed.
Is it possible to update an NVIDIA drivers at all?
Hi Denis
I use an Apalis T30 board && Qt5 && OpenGL features with the Linux 2.6 beta 2 image. But, seems that NVidia drivers has a bugs (with the random textures artefacts flickering in EGLFS mode).
If by EGLFS you indeed mean without X11 this is definitely not supported by NVIDIA’s L4T which our T20/T30 Embedded Linux BSPs are based on.
So, now I have an idea to update the drivers. e.g. I want to install this NVidia drivers: Index of /XFree86/Linux-32bit-ARM/367.35
No, NVIDIA’s regular GPU drivers are not compatible with the Tegra 3 integrated ultra-low power GeForce GPU.
Is it possible to update an NVidia drivers at all?
No, to our knowledge NVIDIA’s L4T R16.5 is the latest proprietary graphics/multimedia drivers/stack available.
Marcel Ziswiler
Platform Manager Embedded Linux