I built a custom Yocto image using the tdx-wayland distribution with the following graphical stack in my image:
- weston
- weston-init
- weston-xwayland
- packagegroup-tdx-graphical
I then cloned the HelloWorld project on my computer from: embedded-samples/hello-world at main · TotalCross/embedded-samples · GitHub
I am able to compile and run this code on my linux computer; However when I scp the linux_arm target onto my imx6ull I am getting the following error:
root@colibri-imx6ull:/home/root/HelloWorld# Testing video drivers...
SDL_VIDEODRIVER available: x11 wayland dummy
SDL_VIDEODRIVER selected : x11
SDL_DisplayMode #0: current display mode is 800x480x0
X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
I also tried running the wayland-app-launch.sh script which did not help.
What am I missing ?
I have also created a custom user in the yocto image and when I try to ssh with the custom user I get the following error:
colibri-imx6ull:~/linux_arm$ ./HelloWorld
Testing video drivers...
No protocol specified
SDL_VIDEODRIVER available: x11 wayland dummy
No protocol specified
SDL_Init(): No available video device
Exiting: 107