Unable to restore Toradex Control Block from uboot


I am running u-boot (mainline version 2022.04), launched by imx_usb in recovery mode,
and interrupted so that I can interact with it.
I can the the famous error:

NAND read from offset 800 failed -74
In a separated discussion, I explain why I do not want to use T.E.I. for installing/updating the module.
From what I have read in some discussions, it should be possible to fix it with the cfgblock command.

But this fails:

Colibri iMX6ULL # cfgblock create
NAND read from offset 800 failed -74
Is the module an IT version? [y/N] y
Does the module have Wi-Fi / Bluetooth? [y/N] y
Enter the module version (e.g. V1.1B): V1.1A
Enter module serial number: 06964631
NAND write to offset 800 failed -5
Failed to write Toradex config block: 0

What I am doing wrong ?
Thanks !

Could you please run
# nand erase.chip
before # cfgblock create ?

Another option is to load Toradex Easy installer over USB.

Alex, despite of having tried with Tezi as well , that still does not work.
My board is bricked now, I cannot start u-boot from NAND, it only works
from OTG.
When booting with recovery, I get still get the MISSING TORADEX CONFIG BLOCK

Please notice that the error message has slightly changed:

Colibri iMX6ULL # nand erase.chip

NAND erase.chip: device 0 whole chip
Skipping bad block at  0x00000000
Skipping bad block at  0x1ff80000
Skipping bad block at  0x1ffa0000
Skipping bad block at  0x1ffc0000
Skipping bad block at  0x1ffe0000


Colibri iMX6ULL # cfgblock create
Size of read exceeds partition or device limit
Is the module an IT version? [y/N] y
Does the module have Wi-Fi / Bluetooth? [y/N] y
Enter the module version (e.g. V1.1B): V1.1A
Enter module serial number: 06964631
Size of write exceeds partition or device limit
Failed to write Toradex config block: 0

What I my other options to recover from this state ?

I afraid your module is not recoverable since If the first flash memory block is marked as BAD. If your module is still on warranty you can start an RMA procedure.

Many Thanks Alex, I will do so.

But I was just wondering, from what I understand from the iMX6 reference manual (“FCB search flow”),
does the boot ROM look further than offset 0, depending on Boot Search Count Fuse Value,
and Stride Size Fuse Value ? (what are they set to on the Colibri module ?)
I have attempted to flash the FCB with nandbcb at offset 0x20000 (128k, which is the block size is has
to be aligned to) and it does not work either.

Moreover, I have found this comment from NXP on their forum:

"The stride size is usually the pages in each block which comes from the

boot configuration (Pages In Block) : “the search area contains copies of the FCB
at each stride distance, so in case the first NAND block becomes corrupted,

the ROM will find its copy in the next NAND block.”"