Unable to load the CLR ,framework and database to flash disk from visual studio 2008[c#] to VF50


During Deploy we are getting error as below screen shot,
Please clarify what i am doing is correct or not,


we Downloaded the .net compact frame work as per instruction given in URL:“How to use SQL Database in VCSharp | Toradex Developer Center

As per given instruction we downloaded the file

  1. Download and Install .NET Compact Framework directly to the FlashDisk of the device from here.

After Download we tried to copy directly to Flash Disk it is not happening and

we run the cab file as per below

in RUN Command
Pkgmgr /ip /m:c:\Toradex_SQLCompact_V3.5.cab /quiet

  1. Download and Install SQL CE directly to the FlashDisk of the device from here.

Pkgmgr /ip /m:c:\NETCFv2.0.7045.0.wce5.armv4i.Colibri.cab /quiet

After deploy when we tried to open the database from sql server 2008 there also we are getting error


once again we uninstall and install drivers, visual studio 2008 SP1, Sqlserver2008,
currently visual studio is running on Framework 3.5.

How to fix this issue,

Please suggest me where i am doing wrong

Thanks with Regards