Tutorial Error on How to use Cameras on Torizon

Hello @Emmanouil,

It is possible that the lack of the --pull argument results in a different container, if you have an older version of the wayland-base-vivante container locally.

The pull request has been merged, so I would recommend that you try to build the container in a new environment, cloning the repository again:

git clone -b bookworm-new https://github.com/toradex/torizon-samples.git
cd torizon-samples/vpu/generic/vpuGeneric
docker build --pull --no-cache --build-arg BASE_NAME=wayland-base-vivante --build-arg IMAGE_ARCH=arm64/v8 -t <your-dockerhub-username>/gst_example .

Please give this a try and let me know if this works for you.

Hello @j.kugele,

Thanks for sharing your tests.
The “Unsupported platform” error is from the missing environment variable MACHINE, which should be set when running the VPU test scripts.

We will support you with the issue you reported on the respective thread.

Best Regards,