Transparences/Composer Armstrong Linux

Hi All…

I need to configure LXDE so that my windows will support transparencies.
How should i do?
I use Armstrong Linux based in Toradex fonts.

Thank you

Apalis imx.6q 2GB v1.1 - Ixora Baseboard


LXDE / Openbox does not provide window transparency..

One way to add that feature would be to use compton on top of openbox.
If that works on ARM, i.MX 6 I do not know.
A recipe is available in meta-qt5-extra.

E.g. here and here are some pointers to add compton to a desktop linux, I would expect them to be good starting points for adding it to an embedded system.


Please help me!

Hi Max! Tanks for your reply.

Before I used another board imx.6q with pocky and if it had transparency. What do you recommend me to do? Change to pocky or modify armstrong?


Note that the distros are called Ångström, not Armstrong and poky, not pocky.

I don’t think that the distro has anything to do with this.
You likely can build whatever image recipe you built for that other board also for Apalis iMX6 also the OE setup you have now with Angstrom.
