We are new users of Torizon and Apalix modules, and are planning the roadmap for a new product using the iMX8 module.
If I understand correctly, there are currently 3 versions of Torizon Core available: 3.04 (“LTS”), 4.0 and 5.0 (both marked as “devel”)
Where can I find the differences in these versions? I have seen the list-of-Jira-tickets, but is there something more condensed or high-level to help with this choice? Which one should we plan on if we need to commit to an environment with LTS support by EOY?
What’s the current status of 5.0 support amongst the various build chains? I note for example that the gitHub repo (as used in container build for TorizonCore) supports only zeus, not dunfell.
It looks like the intent is to move from gitHub to git.todradex.com, but that move has not been reflected in all the documents or Docker images. Is that a fair summary?