I’m new to TorizonCore Builder, but I have some fundamental problems.
I try to follow the the guide to customize and image: TorizonCore Builder Tool - Customizing TorizonCore Images | Toradex Developer Center
I selected the Latest Monthly Release for iMX8MP with PREEMT_RT as an input image.
I could add a kernel module, but I’m quite sure it uses gcc-9.3 to compile it and it should be gcc version 11.3 which is used by BSP 6.
The image works to deploy on the platform nonetheless.
But when I try to edit the devicetree I get in to big problems.
When I use the command “torizoncore-builder dt checkout --update” it responds “Branch name toradex_5.15-2.1.x-imx does not exist in upstream repository.”
And when I try to deploy the image it get stuck at bootup, for me this indicates that the torizoncore-builder does not support the BSP 6.1.0 that is used in the latest images available.
I’ve tried with “source tcb-env-setup.sh -a remote” and “source tcb-env-setup.sh -t early-access” but it doesn’t matter.
Is there another source to download a later version of tcb-env-setup.sh?