I’m new to Toradex world and has a task to migrate a running software to Torizon using docker.
I’ve got a Verdin Mini and Verdin Development Board.
I’ve setup up my environment and have done my first testing codes, using GPIO and making some C examples to work… all fine…
Now it’s time to migrate our whole project, that uses the following libraries:
MQTT: Mosquitto
Boost: Filesystem and json
Socket.IO: sioclient
GPIO: C++ support
Original makefile configuration:
LIB := -lmosquitto -L/usr/local/lib/ -lboost_filesystem -lboost_json -lsqlite3 -lsioclient -lgpiodcxx
This setup works on debian running on a Raspi 4 prototype.
I need help to setup those libraries in my C++ Torizon project:
a) Are all those libraries supported?
b) How can I setup docker-compose.yml to install then at the target device - can I have detailed instructions on how to configure it?
c) How can I configure makefile to use them? Can I keep my original configuration above?
d) For unsupported libraries (hopefully none), how can I handle then?
Changing the existing software will be very problematic as it may cause arquitecture problems (ex: socket.io that relies all communication between modules)
For now I will be using docker to run the code. Yocto is in the roadmap for the near future.